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Missing collie dog - Falmouth, Cornwall


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Brett - what can I say, mate. Thank you. People I've never met off PW have been more helpful than most of our actual friends in the area... Faith in humanity restored! :friends: I'll head down to Cornwall on Friday evening myself. (Bloody work).


I've passed the Old Hill bit on to my dad, and he's heading there now with posters. Sounds a bit like Bill may be heading in the wrong direction, away from Falmouth rather than back into it. And yes, the lady from Doglost spoke to my dad thanks and was helpful. The dog warden is now (eventually) on the case too. Surprising how many lost dogs there are - there are two border collies at rescue centres in the area, but neither of them seem to be the right one!

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SUCCESSS!! He's BACK!! :yahoo:


Bill is safely back home with my dad! :yahoo: I am chuffed to ****. He was actually at a rescue centre in Truro today - so if he was the dog seen in Penryn on Tueday he covered 10 or 12 miles on Wednesday. He followed someone in Truro home last night, and they managed to catch him and keep him overnight, and gave him to the dog centre this morning. He's a bit skinny, but otherwise seems healthy. (He might actually have been stolen - his collar was missing and it was a big thick leather job. Mind you, he might still have wiggled out of it during his adventures...) He's now dashing wildly round the house stepping on the laptop and generally causing trouble - seems very happy to be home. My dad sounds a huge amount happier than he did too. :good::beer: Better keep the dog in the house for a bit, I think!


So. My dad and I have both been surprised and heartened by the level of support shown by comparative strangers on an internet forum, and in the real world. Thank you all so much, especially to those who went out of their way to look for the dog etc. I will be sending some PMs round shortly. As I said, faith in humanity restored. Cheers PW :friends:

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Fantastic end to the story :good: and amazing performances from the PW members who kept an eye out and kept asking. Any chance of a photo of Bill back home, nice to read of something like this, all too often when dogs disappear it's forever

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Best news I have heard for ages. I am very pleased Bill is back home with your Dad. I won't tell the wife or I will have to go to Trago with her in the morning. If I play my cards right I can use Bill as an excuse for many things.


The Trago punishment is not on after all your efforts - unless you drop SWMBO at the Newton Abbot one and you carry on for a little shop at the Sportsman.

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Thanks all. Yes, I wasn't at all sure we'd get him back, as Teal said these stories often end sadly. (Didn't want to think of him lost and scared and unable to find his way home, or worse...) But this story has a happy ending! :yahoo: Trying to get a pic of him home safe, but he's not staying still! My dad's never seen him so ecstatic. (Crashing noises in the background on the phone, and incoherent e-mails where Bill has had his paws on the keyboard!)


As it happens, I quite like Tragos! (The DIY & sport sections anyway!) :whistling:

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Word cant express how happy i am for you and your dad buddy! Im glad everyones efforts paid off.

Ive just found out via facebook, i must have had about 15 messages from people, everyone is made up.


The next time your down falmouth way, let me know. I'd love the opportunity to meet bill himself!


Once again mate, im made up that hes home safe and sound. I really am!

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Cheers chaps, and thanks again Brett for all your efforts. I'll let you know next time I'm coming down. Surprised it got to you on FB first!


Still no pic, but I got this e-mail from my dad:


Children! He's HOOOOOOOOAM!!!!! I emailed you all 90 minutes ago, but he's going WILD!!!!!!!! and must have disrupted my dongle!!! He doesn't know where to put himself, so he's everywhere! - leaping higher than my head to bite me (of course), on the furniture - good grief!!! all of my strict victorian training and discipline seems to be in tatters!!!! Ah well, back to square one!

He's very thin and bloodshot eyes and red feet!!! - but looking surprisingly good, if older, taller, thinner, but no wiser! (he's already been popping himself half way through the gate rungs - I'm trying to apply serious chicken wire, but he won't let me- leaping up, chewing the wire and my leatherperson pliers! collar and tags gone; microchip not functioning for some reason. so no means of identifying him. but the warden surreptitiously checked that he was mine from his reaction when he saw me on openingf the van doors; - no doubt then!! must send this before he wrecks everythknbg.


!! Sounds like they're both pleased he's home. :yahoo::good:

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Just read this now! Wow!!! Well done and congratulations, i realy felt for your father reading this, there not just pets or dogs, they become a best freind and a family member! I lost my dog in 2008 and it still upsets me very much indeed, a truly heartbreaking time for me! So i know the feeling! Just glad a happy ending came your way!



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