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New gun, new or secondhand?.............


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Afternoon all, I am now in the throws of trawling through web sites and mag's looking for a suitable gun. I have mentioned before, and i'm still of the same opinion, that i've decided on a Beretta...(I think :angry: ).they look nice, feel right, appear reliable and by the looks of things don't half hold their value. Which brings me to the point of new or secondhand. Seems you can pick up a new SP or White Onyx for approx the mid £900 mark whereas secondhand for a mint example they are approx £100-200 less. What be your opinions please.

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the only advise i can give you is to have any second hand gun your looking at checked out thoroughly, the Beretta is a good gun well made and should last for most of your shooting life ,,,,,,or until you win the pools and want another toy :angry: , good luckin your choice buddy, hope to see you shooting the new one soon



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I hope to be seen shooting with it soon too Martin, rest assured, it's been a long wait. It boils down to if you need to save a few bob I suppose, I (fortunately) can't see the point. Even managed to find a used SP dearer than a new one! I wanted to hear what the general opinion was, or if I was perhaps deluded and have been looking in the wrong places! :angry:

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we where in the same situation last year over getting a gun for our lad, decided for the sake of saving a couple of hundred quid to go for a new gun, mind you he wanted a cynergy and we couldnt find any used ones !!


when we got my gun i managed to haggle and got a new gun cheaper than i had seen used ones selling for :angry:

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Thanks guys.......sort of what I was thinking :angry:


gibby, yes I picked up, (for the umpteenth time it seems), the Silver Pigeon sporter and it feels more 'right' each time so i'm fairly sure that's the one! The Miroku/Browning feel generally too bulky and the Miroku I borrow somehow just doesn't do it for me.


Almost certainly be an SP or the White Onyx, must admit my favourite is the SP3 but it's a fair bit more for a little more engraving.

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It wouldn't bother me at all buying a secondhand gun in fact i think it can be benifical because the gun has been 'broken' in...sometimes with new guns the action is very stiff and can be awkward buying second hand someone else has had this trouble :angry:

All the guns i've ever bought we're 2nd hand, and never had any probs,,,,most people look after their guns well, beecause if you don't you'll soon notice....+ buying 2nd hand also brings alot more gun for your money :good::D:lol: :yp:

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It wouldn't bother me at all buying a secondhand gun in fact i think it can be benifical because the gun has been 'broken' in...sometimes with new guns the action is very stiff and can be awkward buying second hand someone else has had this trouble :angry:

All the guns i've ever bought we're 2nd hand, and never had any probs,,,,most people look after their guns well, beecause if you don't you'll soon notice....+ buying 2nd hand also brings alot more gun for your money :good::D:lol: :yp:



That should make sense but i'm after a nearly new/VGC Beretta SP and there don't seem to be much of a saving buying used. I see your point with regard to the action being 'stiff' on new guns. I found a new Bettinsoli near on impossible to close, a Lanber was much the same but the Beretta's seem to have a slightly tight but smooth quality feel to them, at least I could close the gun without grimacing........must of looked a right plank!

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Go new mate, second hand aint worth it for a couple of hundred quid, then you own / know the history. Spanner in the works - would you wear another persons socks?:angry:? Buy a second hand one for your second gun when you have the money. Plus you get the new gun smell just like buying a car.

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Example on the phone today: SP, 30", sport, multi choke VGC £895.....new £1150, but will discount down a little so I assume approx £1095 (ish) same shop....not much sense in secondhand really. Had the S/H gun been around the £7-800 mark it would be harder to make the decision.

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Having just changed my old second hand for a new beretta silver pigeon, i can honestly say pay the little extra for the new gun as you know the exact history.

I've put a deposit on a Silver Pigeon S 'sport' (not that I can find this model listed on the main Beretta site or GMK's) ;) , 30" multi choke. I intend to trial one, but even if I don't get the chance i'm sure i'll be happy as it feels very nice to handle and seems to fit my ugly mug well........little unsure about the weight, (quite light), but it's intended purpose will be for the pigeon and wildfowling so again no prob's. I was intending to hang on a while but this one had particularly nice wood and with the extras/small discount i'm happy.


Thanks for the replies chaps. :good:

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