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What would a Ukip Britain look like?


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Look don't get me wrong. I would actually like UKIP to get in but once they were in they would not be able to deliver all of their promises as we will not be able to afford it. Then where would we be?


A worst case scenario is a Libour victory. Best case scenario is a Conservative/UKIP alliance forming a centre/right party. Now that could work.

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Look don't get me wrong. I would actually like UKIP to get in but once they were in they would not be able to deliver all of their promises as we will not be able to afford it. Then where would we be?


A worst case scenario is a Libour victory. Best case scenario is a Conservative/UKIP alliance forming a centre/right party. Now that could work.


One thing is for sure, we will never get free money from the EU.

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We will be once the country goes bust under lie bour we would be in the same situation as Greece and Ireland needing to be bailed out.


whats this would be? had we not kept devaluing the pound (quantitative easing) we would already be bankrupt but its only a matter of time for our beyond repair economy,wont be long till you dont get your wage, pension, savings etc then when you cant pay your way its time to get the tent out, not a nice scenario but one that is coming.


sleep tight



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It is not crazy to oppose wind farms. They are ugly, they destroy the landscape for everyone, they are actually quite destructive with all the concrete they use for foundations and building of access roads, especially when peat is destroyed, and they don't even do what they are supposed to do.

They are hugely inefficient and we need fossil fuel power stations as a back up. So the question is not whether we want wind farms or fossil fuel power stations, it's "what do we want, a fossil fuel power station or a fossil fuel power station plus thousands of wind turbines".


UKIP are not opposed to renewables in principle, but they just don't want them to be funded with excessive government subsides. They want them to be funded by the market. That way, economical solutions would emerge and become popular.


Here's an article showing how sustainable wind farms are.



The bit about they don't work or supposed to do. I work for Nissan (NMUK) @ Sunderland and are plant has about 10+ and they take a huge amount of the power bill away. So much so they are planning on investing in more to help run the battery plant (makes the batteries for leaf) for me its about balance. I have lived near a coke works and wouldn't want one near me again. Would take 1000 wind turbines over something spewing smoke out causing smog and black dust in the air at times. Coal mines aren't to nice to look at either. As for the concrete used in the construction it's not great but everything has a bad side. Like re opening the pits to mine or build new ones, new roads need to get to them, more train tracks being used/built/reopened to shift the coal about and trucks on the road hauling it or the cost of importing coal.

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I've been a UKIP member for a few years and firmly believe they would be the best party to run OUR COUNTRY, UKIP are not a racist party it's just mud slinging from the other parties because they are scared of them as simple as that we are not the BNP there is a huge difference, Nigel farage may be a character but he has the balls to speak up for our country as an MEP have a look at this video to see what I mean lol





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The bit about they don't work or supposed to do. I work for Nissan (NMUK) @ Sunderland and are plant has about 10+ and they take a huge amount of the power bill away. So much so they are planning on investing in more to help run the battery plant (makes the batteries for leaf) for me its about balance. I have lived near a coke works and wouldn't want one near me again. Would take 1000 wind turbines over something spewing smoke out causing smog and black dust in the air at times. Coal mines aren't to nice to look at either. As for the concrete used in the construction it's not great but everything has a bad side. Like re opening the pits to mine or build new ones, new roads need to get to them, more train tracks being used/built/reopened to shift the coal about and trucks on the road hauling it or the cost of importing coal.


and out of your post...what proportion of it would generate more jobs in this country?.....The reopening of mines bit...or the importing coal bit?

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and out of your post...what proportion of it would generate more jobs in this country?.....The reopening of mines bit...or the importing coal bit?


Well if mines could be re opened then yes it would create jobs but so would the construction of wind turbines. The problem I can see with re opening coal mines is: just out of interest how much do you know about mining? I know nothing other than the beamish mine I visited, non of my mates are miners or anybody I know really, couple of blokes in the club used to be miners but are in there 60s. It's a dead profession. Is there a coal mine still open in the uk That is profitable? (That is a genuine question, am not being sarcastic) I would say the chance is we would import coal as in the short to mid term its cheaper like everything else we don't make now.

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Well if mines could be re opened then yes it would create jobs but so would the construction of wind turbines. The problem I can see with re opening coal mines is: just out of interest how much do you know about mining? I know nothing other than the beamish mine I visited, non of my mates are miners or anybody I know really, couple of blokes in the club used to be miners but are in there 60s. It's a dead profession. Is there a coal mine still open in the uk That is profitable? (That is a genuine question, am not being sarcastic) I would say the chance is we would import coal as in the short to mid term its cheaper like everything else we don't make now.


There is only one solution to energy security. Build nuclear power stations. Opponents of nuclear power are tilting at windmills.

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Well if mines could be re opened then yes it would create jobs but so would the construction of wind turbines. The problem I can see with re opening coal mines is: just out of interest how much do you know about mining? I know nothing other than the beamish mine I visited, non of my mates are miners or anybody I know really, couple of blokes in the club used to be miners but are in there 60s. It's a dead profession. Is there a coal mine still open in the uk That is profitable? (That is a genuine question, am not being sarcastic) I would say the chance is we would import coal as in the short to mid term its cheaper like everything else we don't make now.

I'm afraid you are right, and in the longer term the price will go up and up as developing economies want more and more and there is less and less in the ground. The UK has got a fair amount of coal left but all of the high quality and easily mined coal has gone. Lower garde coals are less efficient and tend to be exported to countries with less strict emissions policies and the UK will import more expensive coal from abroad. No exactly sustainable. Nuclear has its own problems but that could be made to work with massive amounts of spending (£50 billion would be a start) and a secure supply of uranium.

Either way it's much easier for UKIP to write the words than deliver the outcomes. Real politicians have to work withing the realms of possibility not popularity.

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Above is the tagline "Boosting immigration unwise, when UK youth face job shortage"


If we boost immigration there will be competition for jobs and the better person will get the job. If immigration was such a widespread problem and UKIP were such a tasty choice then the employers would choose their own surely and it certainly isn`t happening here, the farms are full of EU labourers, why aren`t "our" youth filling these places?

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It is quite possible to be an athiest or agnostic who has Christian values. Religion does not make the man - it is his values and actions that does.


No he called himself a christian, he did not say he only had christian values, very different things and certainly not compatible.

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Above is the tagline "Boosting immigration unwise, when UK youth face job shortage"


If we boost immigration there will be competition for jobs and the better person will get the job. If immigration was such a widespread problem and UKIP were such a tasty choice then the employers would choose their own surely and it certainly isn`t happening here, the farms are full of EU labourers, why aren`t "our" youth filling these places?


Brits won't do it because it is more lucrative to be on benefits. Importing cheap labour makes sure of that.


A big chunk of these imported farm labourers were from outside the EEA and from Romania/Bulgaria. Guess how many Romanians & Bulgarians will be farm labourers in 2014.





No he called himself a christian, he did not say he only had christian values, very different things and certainly not compatible.


He can call himself anything he likes. Who are you to judge?

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Above is the tagline "Boosting immigration unwise, when UK youth face job shortage"


If we boost immigration there will be competition for jobs and the better person will get the job. If immigration was such a widespread problem and UKIP were such a tasty choice then the employers would choose their own surely and it certainly isn`t happening here, the farms are full of EU labourers, why aren`t "our" youth filling these places?


Quite possibly because EE's will work for peanuts and because of that wage rates are driven further and further down The farmers know they'll work for peanuts so that's what they pay.

It's not just the farming industry playing that game...the construction industry has been at it for years.

it's called greed.

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Quite possibly because EE's will work for peanuts and because of that wage rates are driven further and further down Really, below minimum wage? The farmers know they'll work for peanuts so that's what they pay. Not round here they don`t

It's not just the farming industry playing that game...the construction industry has been at it for years.

it's called greed.


Not many fat cat farmers round here :/

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thats absolutely not true, my son is a medical student and many newly qualified young doctors end up going abroad to get experience because they can't get jobs here.


Doctors in the NHS are among the highest paid doctors in the world and the money is like a magnet attracting foreign doctors in from all over.


A European doctor working in Briitain will earn on average double what he can expect to earn in his own country, Doctors are probably the clearest example you will find of how our system is broken, favouring foreigners over our own people.


You may have seen a bit on the news recently about compelling foreign doctors to take an English language test, thats why. They don't even speak engish!


Nurses face all the same problems, can't get a job when they finish training yet the hospitals are full of foreign agency nurses.


Why spend money training these kids only to lose them abroad?. The NHS's answer is to cut training places because they don't need to train doctors and nurses they can get as many as they want without. Short sighted in the extreme,


It is said that Britain's policy causes shortages of doctors and nurses in parts of the world where they are desperately needed.


Then politicians get up and use the NHS to justify their immigration policies by saying we need immigration to keep the NHS going but its absolutely not true. There are more than twenty good applicants for every place at a British medical school. Nineteen end up as rejects. We could run the NHS with British doctors who wouldn't take their money at the end of their contract and go back home.


Give our kids a chance and don't believe the politicians propaganda


Hang on, but didn't I read on another post that you employ/use hard working foreign labour over our own lazier/greedier British tradesmen?.

Sorry if I've got you confused with someone else



Reason for edit


Thought I'd seen it some where

So it's ok for foreign labour to undercut our tradesmen, but you find it hard to except that foriegn doctors[b being paid the same [/b] are getting employed over our own doctors?



Two blokes 3 days = £1100 thats £183 each per day. I can get Poles to do that for £70 a day and they will do a brilliant job and I doubt it would take them three days. I can get Indians to do it for £40 a day but they would be illegals. Never the less they will do a good job.


No wonder nobody wants to employ British workers any more. I was watching two so called builders working on an extension last week. Turned up about 9.30 did a couple of hours work. Sat in the van for two hours reading the paper then did a bit more. Started clearing up about 3.30 and were gone just after 4.

If I were employing them I would have paid them off after the first day and told them not to come back. Polish blokes will graft all day from 8.30 to five and you give them a case of beer to take home on top of their wages they are delighted. Such a difference, always nice blokes too, none of the attitude and arrogance you get with British slobs sorry workers!


Edited by Vince Green, 02 March 2013 - 08:35 Pm

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Definition below,


Chris·tian (kribreve.gifsprime.gifchschwa.gifn)adj.

1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.


Which bible did you get that from?


Matthew 7:1 - Judge not, that ye be not judged.


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Above is the tagline "Boosting immigration unwise, when UK youth face job shortage"


If we boost immigration there will be competition for jobs and the better person will get the job. If immigration was such a widespread problem and UKIP were such a tasty choice then the employers would choose their own surely and it certainly isn`t happening here, the farms are full of EU labourers, why aren`t "our" youth filling these places?


are you David Icke?



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It's us as consumers who aid EE workers on farms. Food has to be perfect to look at or we won't buy it, we also want it at rock bottom prices. I look at something's in the super market and wonder how its so cheap. Eg. I bought a bag of carrots from asda for 50p. If you break that price down how much did the farmer get? What was his profit if any at all. Same with milk £1 for 4 pints. It's great for us at the check out we but what corner has been cut to get it there. Just look at the horse meat thing.

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The bit about they don't work or supposed to do. I work for Nissan (NMUK) @ Sunderland and are plant has about 10+ and they take a huge amount of the power bill away. So much so they are planning on investing in more to help run the battery plant (makes the batteries for leaf) for me its about balance. I have lived near a coke works and wouldn't want one near me again. Would take 1000 wind turbines over something spewing smoke out causing smog and black dust in the air at times. Coal mines aren't to nice to look at either. As for the concrete used in the construction it's not great but everything has a bad side. Like re opening the pits to mine or build new ones, new roads need to get to them, more train tracks being used/built/reopened to shift the coal about and trucks on the road hauling it or the cost of importing coal.


Which turbines are they? Are they the huge ones or are they smaller? Because that would make a difference to efficiency, cost of erection, etc.


I would rather people used other forms of renewable energy which don't destroy the landscape for everyone.

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The bit about they don't work or supposed to do. I work for Nissan (NMUK) @ Sunderland and are plant has about 10+ and they take a huge amount of the power bill away. So much so they are planning on investing in more to help run the battery plant (makes the batteries for leaf) for me its about balance. I have lived near a coke works and wouldn't want one near me again. Would take 1000 wind turbines over something spewing smoke out causing smog and black dust in the air at times. Coal mines aren't to nice to look at either. As for the concrete used in the construction it's not great but everything has a bad side. Like re opening the pits to mine or build new ones, new roads need to get to them, more train tracks being used/built/reopened to shift the coal about and trucks on the road hauling it or the cost of importing coal.


I believe Nissan have 9 working wind turbine's vesta 0.65 MW hour jobs, that should be good for about 8 or 9% of Nissan,s needs, a help but not the answer, wind is innefiecient expensive and unreliable, clean coal (yes it can be done) and nuclear is the way forward.



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Which turbines are they? Are they the huge ones or are they smaller? Because that would make a difference to efficiency, cost of erection, etc.


I would rather people used other forms of renewable energy which don't destroy the landscape for everyone.


They are the huge ones, I mean huge as well. Re different renewable sources, I do think there is better forms, a few lads at work have solar panels and reckon they are great. One lad has a app on his phone so he can turn on/off different devices when he's not there during the day when he's getting free electric. Am not that fussed on pollution side of things it's more about sustainability. For me build a huge under ground nuke power plant so no one can see it just Not In My Back Yard.

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I believe Nissan have 9 working wind turbine's vesta 0.65 MW hour jobs, that should be good for about 8 or 9% of Nissan,s needs, a help but not the answer, wind is innefiecient expensive and unreliable, clean coal (yes it can be done) and nuclear is the way forward.



+1 on nuclear

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