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A bit of advice please


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Last year I wanted a cheapish knockabout rough shooting 12g and I bought a Sarriugarte 28" MC O/U ejector. The gun is in good nick and I shoot very well with it, I'm pleased with it's fit, balance and use. It's just that I've never heard of them, I know it's Spanish and that's it, I wondered if anyone could tell me anything about them.

I don't mind if it's not the best news, because the gun suits me, I shoot well with it and it does all that I want in a gun, so I'm not looking for reassurance, just a bit of info.


Thanks in advance


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Wilky, you have something there that a lot of "label concious" shooters out there could do with - a gun that fits you, you like shooting and shoot well with :lol:


Its all fine and well having the latest beretta bling but if it don't fit you, what's the point! :lol:

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Thanks for that fella, the guns a nice thing right enough and it suits me just fine, just wondered if anyone knew anything about the name as I've never heard of them, however, when I first handled it I was looking at this gun and a second hand Winchester, the Winchester was like a lead cannon, it weighed a bloody ton, so I bought the Sarriugarte and it wasn't expensive and I'm not worrying too much about scratching the stock etc. at the end of the day, it's a working gun and it'll get plenty of work. :lol:

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