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man flu


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Really gutted, i picked up my new gun this week and i am desperate to get out and use it , suppose to be going to chalk farm clay shoot tomorrow but i have also picked up man flu and i feel like s... anyone know of any old recipes to get rid of it or at least make it a little better. cheers.

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You have the old paracetamol and ibuprofen which would help, however if you want to go down the route of 'herbal' remedies you could try echinacea. Although it is a herbal remedy and not taught in medical practice, my GP suggested it to me as it has been found to alleviate symptoms of colds and flu. It has also been shown to prevent the recurrence of infections and colds which is a bonus if you fall ill regularly.
Give it a try.

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Shocking that a fellow shooter has been struck down (in his prime) by such a heinous ailment,mind you,you should think yourself lucky because,after a day of watching daytime tv,I have witnessed women suffering with split ends,frizzy hair and dry skin on their elbows-can there really be a god? In addition to this I think we all need to remember that there are over 65 million people in this country and at any moment anyone of them could have an accident that isn't their fault.

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Thank you all for all your kindness you will all be pleased to know that i am on the mend, and being such a nice and kind person i gave it to the wife ! well she hasht got it as bad as i had it of course.

There you go then! It was just an itsy witsy bit of a cold after all, and that is what you will need to remind your wife of when she gets oll of the full blown symptoms that yoy had when you were on your death bed! :whistling::whistling::whistling:

There is a God after all! :lol::lol::lol:

It's good to hear you are on the mend mate, happy times are here again! :good::good::good:

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