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which .243


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out of the following rifles all in .243, which one would you guys pick and why ?


Remington 700

Winchester 70

Tikka T3



My friend recently got his FAC and is looking to buy his .243 asap. The above 3 rifles are the preferences.


Also what do you recommend as the best moderator ?




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Remington 700, my friend who works for the deer inative has one, its cracking.


Why are you going for a .243 for? The people on the deer inative said to me that if they were going to go for a new rifle they would scrap their 243's and 308's as they were disappointed in them and go for either a 6.5*55mm or .270, as i asked them what rifle i should go for once ive learnt more from them about deer stalking etc, im thinking 6.5*55mm. :good:



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Why are you going for a .243 for? The people on the deer inative said to me that if they were going to go for a new rifle they would scrap their 243's and 308's as they were disappointed in them and go for either a 6.5*55mm or .270, as i asked them what rifle i should go for once ive learnt more from them about deer stalking etc, im thinking 6.5*55mm


Nothing wrong with any of the calibres you mentioned - a lot of it comes down to personal preference. If you can put the bullet in the right place any one of them will do the job on any deer in the UK.


.243 wouldn't be my first choice for heavy deer in woodland, but it's a good choice for smaller deer species and legal everywhere in the UK for any deer with 100gr bullets.


Out of interest I've actually got rifles in every single one of those calibres! My personal league table, in order of frequency of use, is 6.5x55, .243, .270, .308. But they all do the job.

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The gun in the main will be used for Roe deer and foxes with an occasional Red. .243 should be sufficient as there are not really any shots longer than 120/150 yards .


Out of interest I've been told by numerous people to avoid .270 as a calibre as I'm told it is an overly harsh gun in respect of recoil and generally not liked. Is this true ?



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Out of interest I've been told by numerous people to avoid .270 as a calibre as I'm told it is an overly harsh gun in respect of recoil and generally not liked. Is this true ?

That's certainly a point of view I've heard, too. Don't mind it myself, and I know a lot of people who would use nothing else.


My .270 and my 6.5x55 both fire 140gr bullets at around the same muzzle velocity - there is no practical ballistic difference between the projectiles in terms of trajectory, at reasonable shooting ranges. There is a small difference in bullet diameter (.277 compared to .264), however I doubt that has any real significance in 99.99% of cases.


The 6.5x55, 7x57, 7mm-08 and the .308 are more efficient cartridges than the .270 in that they burn less powder to get practically the same ballistics with 140gr bullets. So you don't gain much in terms of real performance with the .270, and the extra powder burned translates into more muzzle blast and higher recoil. However, with the majority of stalking rifles now moderated, this effect is lessened.


At the end of the day, the differences aren't as significant as many people seem to think. I could happily pick any one of these calibres at random and do all my shooting with it without feeling short changed. There's even more overlap if you consider that in many cases there is more variation with different brands of ammunition within calibres than between calibres.

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