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made a decision to go tee total

novice cushie shooter

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good luck fella, i haven't had a good sesh since last year, i over did it a bit to say the least and ended up driving the porcelain bus to the land of nod. it wasn't fun waking up with my arm in the loo and my head resting on the rim, all i could smell was stale puke and ale, the smell of it still turns my stomach now.

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Old saying

First the man takes a drink

Then the drink takes a drink

Then the drink takes the man



Well done for stepping away. Takes a big man to do it if his friends at t supportive, but wait till they have to pay a pub price for lemonade. Cold revenge.

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Cut right down in 2007


bet I dont have 20 pints a year now,


I have a guinness on paddies day,


couple at the PW Charity shoot night before


maybe one or two throughout the year,


Could give it up totally with no problem...


not really struck on the taste now


Good luck with it....



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Ha ha paddy, i fell asleep cuddling the toilet once with my back against the radiator...the heating came on and i had a burnt radiator lines for weeks.


Gimlet totally agree with all you say.


Any advice tips and help would help me.thanks


If you were a beer drinker, especially if you had one or two most evenings, your stomach is used to large volumes of cold liquid. To cut that out suddenly is a physical shock to the system. You'll feel like your throat's been cut. You might need to replace that bulk liquid with something at first, perhaps something fizzy if that's what you were used to. Find a harmelss soft drink you like - not pints of coke. I buy 2 litre bottles of supermarket fizzy water for about 19p each and either mix my own healthier (and cheaper) fizzy pop with cordial or in summer I get a great handful of fresh mint from the garden and pour chilled fizzy water over that. In fact there's some great combinations to be made from soda water and garden herbs. Basil and a splash of lime juice works a treat. Lemon Verbena tastes like sherbert lemons. Mint and borage tastes like a fruit salad. Most of us don't drink nearly enough water anyway so this is an opportunity to get into good habits. :good:

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Ha ha paddy, i fell asleep cuddling the toilet once with my back against the radiator...the heating came on and i had a burnt radiator lines for weeks.


Gimlet totally agree with all you say.


Any advice tips and help would help me.thanks

Now that's a funny story, spat my Peroni all over my phone lol. I've thought about it myself from time to time (usually when hungover!) but don't think I could stick to it. As Dean Martin said 'I feel sorry for people who don't drink. They wake up in the morning and that's the best they're going to feel all day'. That said I suffer terribly the next morning and now I've started taking my clays a bit serious I'm not as bad as I was, would rather spend the money at the shooting ground and be sober enough to drive there in the first place. Also I'm on a standby rota with work so every 4th week is a sober week for me anyway but then that also ******* up my shooting, can't win lol. All the best to you.

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I've never struggled with excessive drinking and control has always been very easy for me, thats why it's never been on my give up list and never will be. I do miss the pub, but the reason i hardly go is the silly prices, so its always supermarkets and mainly newcastle brown. I never do wine or spirits but i do love lager. I think if you make this decision it's because you know you have a problem. Good luck with your abstinence. :good:

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Thanks guys all very helpfull. I just hate seeing what it does to families and the hassle that goes with it. When your up sick all night and cant remember what happened all night and cant move to help your wife look after your children you know somthing needs to be done.

Theres also the health implications

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Sadly we live in a society where every single event in life needs to be "celebrated" by drinking, weekend's, good weather, births, deaths, marriage, sport..........................................(i could go on for ever).

I have never been a big drinker and on average have probably managed 10-15 pints a year however it does bug me how not drinking is seen as boring yet in my opinion people who arn't big drinkers tend to experience more from life, I'm not trying to brag but since i was 16 (11 years ago) I have had so many hobbies, seen sights most people couldn't dream of and met so many people along the way. When im old and grey i will be able to explain to people that I have had motorbikes, jetski's, trips around the world, high end camera's,shotguns, rifles, collected bullion and even managed to explore places like ex nuclear bunkers and hidden tunnels under Manchester city centre, where as 90% of the people I have grown up with will say "every weekend I sat in the same pub with the same people, drinking the same beer and then spend most of the day after in bed hungover and skint. Oh and when we went on holiday we went and sat in a pub and drank" who's the boring one now.


Sorry if its a bit of a rant but I do get annoyed when people ask me "how do you afford all these toys" and assume i'm boring!!!


If you want to spend all your money on booze, fine BUT don't try and make yourself feel good about it by belittling people who chose to experience life instead


Anyway good luck with it and I am sure you will get more out of life off the booze

Edited by grimey121uk
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Sadly we live in a society where every single event in life needs to be "celebrated" by drinking, weekend's, good weather, births, deaths, marriage, sport..........................................(i could go on for ever).

I have never been a big drinker and on average have probably managed 10-15 pints a year however it does bug me how not drinking is seen as boring yet in my opinion people who arn't big drinkers tend to experience more from life, I'm not trying to brag but since i was 16 (11 years ago) I have had so many hobbies, seen sights most people couldn't dream of and met so many people along the way. When im old and grey i will be able to explain to people that I have had motorbikes, jetski's, trips around the world, high end camera's,shotguns, rifles, collected bullion and even managed to explore places like ex nuclear bunkers and hidden tunnels under Manchester city centre, where as 90% of the people I have grown up with will say "every weekend I sat in the same pub with the same people, drinking the same beer and then spend most of the day after in bed hungover and skint. Oh and when we went on holiday we went and sat in a pub and drank" who's the boring one now.


Sorry if its a bit of a rant but I do get annoyed when people ask me "how do you afford all these toys" and assume i'm boring!!!


If you want to spend all your money on booze because you cant enjoy life without it, fine BUT don't try and make yourself feel good about it by belittling people who chose to experience life instead


Anyway good luck with it and I am sure you will get more out of life off the booze




My father is an incessant drinker. He constantly talks about pubs, talks about getting ******, reminisces about old **** ups and pubs he has been to. He does this every day of his life and couples it with gambling and reading from cover to cover the sun and mirror everday. His wife should have done what my mum did years ago. He has a tiny little house, crappy clothes, crappy furniture and has never even passed a driving test. He spends all his wifes dough on booze aswell, she resigned herself to 'doormat status' 35 years ago. Good luck to you if you dont want to drink. It's good to have your own mind :good:

Sadly we live in a society where every single event in life needs to be "celebrated" by drinking, weekend's, good weather, births, deaths, marriage, sport..........................................(i could go on for ever).

I have never been a big drinker and on average have probably managed 10-15 pints a year however it does bug me how not drinking is seen as boring yet in my opinion people who arn't big drinkers tend to experience more from life, I'm not trying to brag but since i was 16 (11 years ago) I have had so many hobbies, seen sights most people couldn't dream of and met so many people along the way. When im old and grey i will be able to explain to people that I have had motorbikes, jetski's, trips around the world, high end camera's,shotguns, rifles, collected bullion and even managed to explore places like ex nuclear bunkers and hidden tunnels under Manchester city centre, where as 90% of the people I have grown up with will say "every weekend I sat in the same pub with the same people, drinking the same beer and then spend most of the day after in bed hungover and skint. Oh and when we went on holiday we went and sat in a pub and drank" who's the boring one now.


Sorry if its a bit of a rant but I do get annoyed when people ask me "how do you afford all these toys" and assume i'm boring!!!


If you want to spend all your money on booze because you cant enjoy life without it, fine BUT don't try and make yourself feel good about it by belittling people who chose to experience life instead


Anyway good luck with it and I am sure you will get more out of life off the booze

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My job takes me to a lot of peoples houses. Every house has a recycling bin these days. People feel no shame at filling the recycling bins with empty bottles. What is amazing is how many houses quite openly leave the recycling bins absolutely piled high with empties every week. There's a lots of drinking going on behind those curtains every week in secret.

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My job takes me to a lot of peoples houses. Every house has a recycling bin these days. People feel no shame at filling the recycling bins with empty bottles. What is amazing is how many houses quite openly leave the recycling bins absolutely piled high with empties every week. There's a lots of drinking going on behind those curtains every week in secret.


Funny you should say that. I don't leave out a recycling bin because half of it they won't take and the rest gets blown over the road, so I take it myself when I go to town. I'm sure I've had some funny looks because my bin doesn't contain any booze bottles. People who are shovelling in wine bottles look at my bin full of plastic, look at me then look at the bin again, as if the sight of a bloke in a white van who appears to live on water and shower gel just doesn't compute. I'm never sure whether that look is envy or pity.

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Guest cookoff013

i`ve started brewing, a great hobby in itself, but i can see that it leads to its own end.


just some sensible brewing and sensible intake, i can see that it can be a vicious circle.

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My job takes me to a lot of peoples houses. Every house has a recycling bin these days. People feel no shame at filling the recycling bins with empty bottles. What is amazing is how many houses quite openly leave the recycling bins absolutely piled high with empties every week. There's a lots of drinking going on behind those curtains every week in secret.

When we moved to our new house that was somthing i noticed right away. Makes me feel sick almost how much booze people can shift in two weeks.

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Good luck with staying off the booze.

For me I enjoy a drink and dont get plasterd just a few every so offen. But really enjoy a good cheese board and port or a red wine with a meal or beer on a hot day after a session in the garden grass cutting, weeding, digging over, cleaning up the shed, pruning the trees/plants and washing the cars !

the last 12 months ive drubk the least i ever have though having said that.

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Good luck with staying off the booze.

For me I enjoy a drink and dont get plasterd just a few every so offen. But really enjoy a good cheese board and port or a red wine with a meal or beer on a hot day after a session in the garden grass cutting, weeding, digging over, cleaning up the shed, pruning the trees/plants and washing the cars !

the last 12 months ive drubk the least i ever have though having said that.

Thats going to be the hard bit all the above,having the odd one. That said looking forward to the challenge.
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My fridge is absolutly stuffed full of cold drinks. Sasasparilla, Tizer, Vimto, Dandilion and Burdock, fizzy water, Lucozade plus loads of other goodies. not a drop of booze anywhere in the building. I stopped drinking as soon as it was legal and haven't touched the stuff since. I have serious concerns of a nation where everyones shopping trolly seems to be topped up with twelve packs and bottles of wine. The best deterent you can have is to sit in a car in any town centre on a Fri/ Sat evening and watch all the idiots, fighting and throwing up , most the next day will tell you what a good time they had. (95%) of them in honesty won't even know what they did , what they ate or where they went. Nuff sed Good luck to you...from Auntie.

Edited by 100milesaway
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