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idiots and dogs


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went for a walk round the local playing field this evening with the dog a cocker half way round bloke comes on the field with what looked like a terrier cross with a bull terrier at first it came up and had a smell of my dog but mine just carried on more intrested in sniffing the ground next thing this other dog went for mine so i pulled the dogs apart and held the other dog till the owner got too us and sent mine on next thing instead of putting this dog on the lead he let it go and it went straight for my dog so i ran across and pulled them apart again this time i carried the dog to its owner and told him to put it on a lead no soon as i turned round his dog was running past me again straight for mine so the right foot came in to action but this did not stop the dog it just kept going and attacked mine again after i'd been bit a couple of times i got the dogs parted again only to be told 5 or six times you just kicked my dog what a knob i just let rip and told him if i ever see him with his dog off the lead i would not take it out on the dog it would be his head

Edited by dazsl
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seen this type of incident quite a lot....and has happened to me, i was bit on the hand as another dog attacked my dog..


report it to the police and just try to avoid the guy and his dog..dont loose your licence or your freedom if you give this bloke a smack he will just go to the police and get you arrested..


its hard to ignore when your doing nothing wrong but is it worth the police turning up at your door??


people who just let there dogs run wild are just morons..and they ruin it for the rest of us.


there was a guy at our local park whos dog was attacked, he ended up getting filled in by the other dog owner and then the other guys dog savaged him on the floor, was on the front page of the Manchester evening news about a month ago..


just keep your cool..after you told him what would happen that could be enough to make him put it on a lead..



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seen this type of incident quite a lot....and has happened to me, i was bit on the hand as another dog attacked my dog..


report it to the police and just try to avoid the guy and his dog..dont loose your licence or your freedom if you give this bloke a smack he will just go to the police and get you arrested..


its hard to ignore when your doing nothing wrong but is it worth the police turning up at your door??


people who just let there dogs run wild are just morons..and they ruin it for the rest of us.




Spot on!!!!

there was a guy at our local park whos dog was attacked, he ended up getting filled in by the other dog owner and then the other guys dog savaged him on the floor, was on the front page of the Manchester evening news about a month ago..


just keep your cool..after you told him what would happen that could be enough to make him put it on a lead..



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Is there such a thing as a dog 'taser', It might be helpful to ask some advice about how to disrupt aggressive or attack behaviour - there must be something - water or some preparation which will distract/neutralise a dog - safely ? Failing that a stout walking stick is always useful to carry and rarely viewed as a weapon.

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Did your dog suffer any scratches or bite marks?


You did the right thing, Had a similar incident in the past, was with a staffy. After the second charge at my dog, the right foot sorted the problem out, and stopped it in its tracks.



The owner never said anything to me though, i just told him "control your dog" politely. He just dragged his dog away, didnt even look at me.

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am I getting this right that after each incident you also let your dog run loose?


I'd have had mine on the lead straight after which gives you the ability to put a boot between them and be under control yourself.


Always let your dog off the lead if being attacked, it will sustain more injury on the lead, beating and kicking some bull breeds wont help either, if a dog has latched on and refuses to let go, take your lead and choke it until it lets go.

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only when confronted most will have a go back, if they run fine but otherwise you stand more chance of keeping another away if you can control where yours is. Worst case if one chases the other you have an out of control dog which is fine till it gets chased onto a road.

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There really is becoming an increasing need for licensing of dogs - possibly even with some sort of intelligence / criminal record check before hand.


We have to be checked to have shotguns etc but chavs can go and buy dangerous powerful dogs with no control and then allow them to do what they fancy and not conduct any basic training.


I am fortunate that I have only ever had my terrier attacked once and the owner was very apologetic (after I had rather foolishly threatened to break his nose I admit). My spaniel has recently had a Staffie cross come very close to getting him and my spaniel is the softest most wimpy dog you could imagine an is entirely submissive. Fortunately, my terrier was in the hedge at the side of him and saw off the much larger dog with typical little terrier aggression lol! That owner was no where to be seen and I chased off the other dog myself then.


The charges in cases of dog attack need to be a lot more severe - £50 to £100 of compensation woud not compensate me for either of my dogs being killed (it wouldn't even buy a new one but that is not the point) - I don't think I would need a new gundog though as I don't think I would be keeping my license after I have finished with the owner if a dog if it were to kill one of mine!

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seen this type of incident quite a lot....and has happened to me, i was bit on the hand as another dog attacked my dog..


report it to the police and just try to avoid the guy and his dog..dont loose your licence or your freedom if you give this bloke a smack he will just go to the police and get you arrested..

If you do get into a physical fracas with another dog owner in these circumstances, call the Police immediately and make a complaint about him (or her). Don't wait for a complaint to be made about you. If you stuck one on him, you were defending yourself weren't you, so complain about the initial dog attack and assault, name calling etc, that led to you doing so. He who complains first has the upper hand.

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am I getting this right that after each incident you also let your dog run loose?


I'd have had mine on the lead straight after which gives you the ability to put a boot between them and be under control yourself.


I can't tell if his dog was off the lead or not, but it wouldn't make much difference if his own dog was off the lead or not, having it on a lead will not stop the other dog running towards it to attack.

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There really is becoming an increasing need for licensing of dogs - possibly even with some sort of intelligence / criminal record check before hand.


Do you really think that is the answer?


Criminals don't obey laws! They are already breaking laws if they are not controlling their dogs, or if they have banned breeds etc... Licensing would not do anything!

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