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£32000 for sitting on your fat ***


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just been watching a fat wench with 7 kids to different dads complaining they are going to cut her benefits she get £32000 a year and said its not fair that some one who works and earn the same for a family of 4 she should get more :mad:

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She was complaining about having to move out of her 6 bedroom house, I grew up in a family of with 6 kids, we had 3 bedrooms, Mum and Dad's room, the girl's room and the Boy's room. The boy's room was a box room and we had a 3-up bunk bed! Great fun! Cut your clothes to suit your cloth and all that!

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Child licenses.


No benefits - just food and clothing, life on benefits should be survival, not comfortable.


Minimum cost of alcohol per unit - your choice, if you want it cheaply you can have it but it has added chemical sterilisation properties to prevent you breeding...the more expensive stuff doesn't. White lightning and special brew must be the perfect delivery system for sterilisation of these kid producing sows before their herd gets too big.




When I get into power these parasites will not know what has hit them lol....

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I think they only put these programs on to wind people up another thing is these people having big houses I think a three bedroom house is all that people should get if they have two or twelve children one room for the boys one for the girls and the box room for the mother in lots of countries they bring up whole families in one room shacks and they do ok.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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what about father where will he sleep

I think they only put these programs on to wind people up another thing is these people having big houses I think a three bedroom house is all that people should get if they have two or twelve children one room for the boys one for the girls and the box room for the mother in lots of countries they bring up whole families in one room shacks and they do ok.

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Just thinking logically - we have HighSeas and a few lads on another thread complaining about not getting any - we could combine the two problems and introduce those lads to the fat slags referenced on here and their kind (they certainly don't appear to be fussy) and they can fill their boots! Haha!

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It makes me so angry I could kick one of my kids.........don't worry I have a spare one in the cellar.


But seriously, it does make me really angry that people just expect a certain quality of life if they don't work. If she had full time job - even a very well paid one - she wouldn't have the same income because childcare costs would eat most of it. The system is set up so that there is no incentive to work.

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Just thinking logically - we have HighSeas and a few lads on another thread complaining about not getting any - we could combine the two problems and introduce those lads to the fat slags referenced on here and their kind (they certainly don't appear to be fussy) and they can fill their boots! Haha!


the only flaw in that idea is the one of producing more offspring to said fat slag

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Come on Lads have a heart have you any idea the price of chippys, Fags, and booze these days give the girl a break lol.

and dont forget its expensive to have the biggest plasma tv you can find from brighthouse (or whatever its called) "on the never never"


Jeremy Kyle has to be watched on 50 inch or bigger - its the law apparently.

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Bring back the Workhouse


Wiki definition: In England and Wales a workhouse, colloquially known as a spike, was a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment. The earliest known use of the term dates from 1631, in an account by the mayor of Abingdon reporting that "wee haue erected wthn our borough a workehouse to sett poore people to worke".

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Bring back the Workhouse


Wiki definition: In England and Wales a workhouse, colloquially known as a spike, was a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment. The earliest known use of the term dates from 1631, in an account by the mayor of Abingdon reporting that "wee haue erected wthn our borough a workehouse to sett poore people to worke".

he went onto say:


though shall not rippeth the titteth out of ye hardworking families and sit on ye fat ****.

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I see the holier than though keyboard warriors are all out in force! :rolleyes:

I think I deserve to be i don't claim a single penny in benefits and these people get more money for free than i can earn! If you are entitled to benefits then claim them i say as there for people who NEED them NOT for whores who breed for more handouts im proud to say what I have is my own and ive got it through hard work. They are having children who think its ok to scrounge and don't have work ethic i work full time and still pay my way through college to get a better job i wouldn't think of having a child yet until i can provide it and be financially secure.

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I think I deserve to be i don't claim a single penny in benefits and these people get more money for free than i can earn! If you are entitled to benefits then claim them i say as there for people who NEED them NOT for whores who breed for more handouts im proud to say what I have is my own and ive got it through hard work. They are having children who think its ok to scrounge and don't have work ethic i work full time and still pay my way through college to get a better job i wouldn't think of having a child yet until i can provide it and be financially secure.



£32K is probably a £65K salary when you take into account tax and all the other costs these parasites don't have to pay that we do. We get out if bed at 630am to go to work to be worse off than she is at the end of the day!

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Child licenses.


No benefits - just food and clothing, life on benefits should be survival, not comfortable.


Minimum cost of alcohol per unit - your choice, if you want it cheaply you can have it but it has added chemical sterilisation properties to prevent you breeding...the more expensive stuff doesn't. White lightning and special brew must be the perfect delivery system for sterilisation of these kid producing sows before their herd gets too big.




When I get into power these parasites will not know what has hit them lol....

you have my vote already. :good::yahoo:

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