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Anybody else having a ******* **** day ?


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Had a new stair and landing carpet fitted today and the wife,s jewellery seems to have been lifted as they left :o got home and the Mrs asked me where i put her valuables ?

Yes they walked with a £1000 plus , the shops now closed and the police will follow it up in the morning :bye2:

******* jutted as the items hold more sentimental value than £££

Yes i no we should have had them under lock and key but you think when you employ someone to do a job in your house you should be safe from thieving ******** :mad:

A very ****** off magman :devil:

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It happened to my grandmother with a raft of carers, home visitors and agency carers coming and going.


She had some "nice gear" as well as we say in Essex.


Ah, looking back there were one or two that needed a proper Burnleydave-carer-confrontation.


Magman, good luck with it all - get the shop address to hand for the truffles.

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Hope you get it all back, but just double check they haven't been mislaid before accusing someone. If they did nick it then they must be pretty stupid to steal from a house they were working in.


I had a bad day yesterday, took a day off to sit a 3 hour OU exam that was badly compiled, badly worded and way too long for the 3 hours (it's not just me saying that, everyone on the course is livid), then worked until 1.30 am to catch up on the work I'd missed, and it's raining, and I have to put a new bathroom in this weekend, and I've run out of beer.....

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I can't believe anybody would be so thick,but maybe they know the law and if you have no evidence of them taking it it will be hard to prove unless they have items stashed in their property. I work in peoples houses and would not even dream of taking anything. SCUM BAGS IF THEY HAVE KNICKED IT.

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Maggers, I have put the curse of a thousend camel fleas infesting their armpits on um for you, but you probably have wished for worse. Hope you get the stuff back.and if not that you are well insured. Having a long memory also will help, remember a dish served up cold and all that ...from Yer Auntie.

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I'd never think to lock up my valuables when I had workmen in the house. I work at peoples homes every day and would never dream of taking their stuff, that's just not cricket! You'd think even a thief would have the decency not to steal from the person who is paying his wages?!


I hope you get your stuff back fella, or better still it's just a big misunderstanding.

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