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Stuart Hall


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I suppose they took into account his age and the degree of abuse in the specific offenses,either way albeit belatedly the guy is now shipwrecked totally, loved his barristers remarks saying basically he was not that bad compared to saville!!!



Chuffing hell, the fact that saville has out nonced all known celebrity nonces means that lesser nonces recieve lesser sentences? I love it.

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I'm sorry but in cases like these the age of the accused/guilty should not come into account when passing sentence. The sentence should fit the crime and this sentence given out to this dirty old man is far too lenient, so much so that it makes a mockery of the law and the youngsters the dirty old man fiddled with. If sentencing him according to his crime meant that he died in prison then tough, that's how it should be and he should have thought about that before he messed with youngsters!

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It makes me think when people say that these people should be locked up for life or punished in other harsh ways could it be that some of you are like the Catholic Priest who say that all Homosexuals and paedophiles are going to hell while they are sneaking off behind the church and playing with the quire boys. ( me thinks some of you do protest to much) :whistling:

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Stuart Hall was on it's a knockout. Eddie Waring was on the rugby and he used to say "Aye...it's an up and under."

I'm sure Eddie did its a knockout too............. but time plays tricks on the old grey cells. Still goin to have a root through you tube and see if I can suss you out though Walshie :)

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It makes me think when people say that these people should be locked up for life or punished in other harsh ways could it be that some of you are like the Catholic Priest who say that all Homosexuals and paedophiles are going to hell while they are sneaking off behind the church and playing with the quire boys. ( me thinks some of you do protest to much) :whistling:


OK let me get this right, just in case I haven't. By "some of you", are you suggesting that PW members who feel outraged by the sexual abuse of children, are all actually doing it themselves, and are using their strong feelings that more should be done as some sort of winding-sheet to cover their own misdeeds?


Way to go, what a great way to get to the top of the PW popularity list, hey, maybe move to Burnley too as the icing on the cake

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It makes me think when people say that these people should be locked up for life or punished in other harsh ways could it be that some of you are like the Catholic Priest who say that all Homosexuals and paedophiles are going to hell while they are sneaking off behind the church and playing with the quire boys. ( me thinks some of you do protest to much) :whistling:

You really thought that out before you posted didn't you :oops:

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It makes me think when people say that these people should be locked up for life or punished in other harsh ways could it be that some of you are like the Catholic Priest who say that all Homosexuals and paedophiles are going to hell while they are sneaking off behind the church and playing with the quire boys. ( me thinks some of you do protest to much) :whistling:


And some of you don't protest enough. :good:

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Eddie Waring was indeed the voice of rugby league and is buried in the same graveyard as my in-laws.


Back on thread. I believe the sentence was based on the law at the time of the offences. I can see the logic but do not agree with it.

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Eddie Waring was indeed the voice of rugby league and is buried in the same graveyard as my in-laws.



Back on thread. I believe the sentence was based on the law at the time of the offences. I can see the logic but do not agree with it.


Using that argument, if somebody is found guilty of a murder committed pre 1965 should they hang? :hmm:

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Using that argument, if somebody is found guilty of a murder committed pre 1965 should they hang? :hmm:

I agree and think Hall should be jailed for at least 20 years as that I show long some of his victims have suffered in silence.

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Look even the Court of Appeal doth protest too much, apparently. I wonder what they're trying to hide :lol:


Interesting thread. In the various Top Gear walls that reside within my head there has been a notable move from 'Sane' to somewhere in between 'Questionably Sane' and 'Nut Nut' Walls :lol:

Edited by Mungler
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