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Steel target thickness


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I was been sarcastic more than anything. im hearing off more people that it will pass through 10mm steel at 100 yards but these same people think the hmr wudnt kill a fox at that range.


I cant imagine it doing much damage either. not even to half the thickness you used at 150 yards.




Most of this is .243, the scratch at top right is a 17g HMR V-Max, once again 12mm steel plate at 100 yards FIRMLY supported.



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theres no risk of injuring a steel plate though :no:


found the very post, my memory serves me correct


post 7 from EE, nice chap see no reason why he would want to tell tails


now some time back i watched a guy on the range putting a .222 through steel plate dangling on a string at 100 yard plus, the plate didn't even twitch so i'd not be too surprised with what EE has said :good:


Anyone who suggests HMR will go clean through 10mm steel plate, even at close range, has been on the happy pills, doesn't matter how nice a person they are! :good:


See my picture above, ok, that's 12mm Industrial steel and 100 yards, but hardly a scratch, do you really think a HMR will make any significant difference point blank and on 10mm steel? You will perhaps notice that the .243 at circa 8x the power of the HMR did NOT make it through the steel at all, so it is a more than serious stretch of the imagination to think HMR will go clean through 10mm steel! :good:

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I have seen the 17hmr go through a 3mm plate I've used to armour plate a squirrel feeder, but it didn't have enough energy left to penetrate the 25mm timber backing. That was at 60 metres. I think 5 or 6 mm at reasonable ranges would be OK. IMHO.

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I have seen the 17hmr go through a 3mm plate I've used to armour plate a squirrel feeder, but it didn't have enough energy left to penetrate the 25mm timber backing. That was at 60 metres. I think 5 or 6 mm at reasonable ranges would be OK. IMHO.

Yeah and this will be around 150-200 so i really cant see it going through it.



just have to find an optimum thickness and range where it will flip the duelling tree targets over.

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