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Few outings and a few pics,troot,bucks,rabbits,doos and a rat.


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Still mostly working away from hame and only getting back a weekend every fortnight so last Thursday the missus and Mac met me up at Golspie for a few days in the old fellas static.Weather was ootstanding so on the Friday we (Mac,old fella,me) held away for a wee walk to one of the local hill lochs.Was only two miles but very hard going with the route we took but the scenery was great with plenty of red cutting about en route.On getting there we launched the boat and had a superb 4 hours of fushing for real wild broon troot.We must have had around 40 altogether with the average weight around the 3/4lb mark and some great sport.

Back hame and on the Monday evening?,packed the dugs and gat and held oot where i could sit in the Jeep watching a good bit of woodside hopefully for a buck to make an appearance.Got into position and was making inroads into The Third Reich At War when Rab started sniffing toward the wood which was 150ish away,and sure enough within 10 minutes a buck appeared.Straight forward walk forward of 30yards got me into a decent shooting lie and when he presented the squeeze put him straight doon with a neck shot.A buck of 2-3 years with poor headgear.Still plenty time left before dark so drove the half hoor to the MILs as i havent been there for a good while and thought there would be some new bucks on the go.They are felling all the trees surrounding her place but her 10 acres will be left standing so should get an influx all the time in theory.Nothing but does and kids when i arrived but after half an hoor getting eaten alive by the midges 2 mature bucks appeared about 300 apart but both dodgy for a stalk due to the wind.Both had cracking heeds and decided to chance one just below the hoose as the wind didnt seem so bad for it.Long story short,i managed to get into 3 shooting positions but at every one he hadnt a backstop and wasnt keen on doing so either.Once again the midges were shocking bad so after a good hoor i abandoned ship and made for the Jeep with the dugs as relieved as i was.The buck had a lovely dark heed on him so hopefully will come across him again.Headed for hame and after a few hoors of watching the box packed the dugs again and held oot for a spin round the usual route.3.30am and again a cracking morning so just good to be out but at the 3 place i scoped a nice 6 pointer around 500 yards away and with the cover an easy enough stalk.Was just planning it when he decided to come my way and just kept following the ditch.Should have been ready earlier but didnt expect him to keep coming so close and after a quick rush i was just in time as he was passing within 30 yards of me so a quick snap with the camera and then the chap with the rifle and he was doon.A bonny mature 6 pointer.

On the evening of the wee buck i had noticed a decent flight of cushies heading to some clover so after the mature 6 pointer i went hame for a shower and a change of tools and held away for a few hoors with the shotgun.Things were very very slow but just fine to give the shotgun an airing and we ended up with 14 pigeons picked,with another 2 and 2 hoodies not picked after some keech shooting.

After the doos the lass from the farm had said the ferals were building up again so i said we would have a look in last night and thin them oot again.The plan was to stay oot all night and see if we could nail a few rabbits and hopefully a fox too so we packed the tools and started by heading to the MILs.On arriving there was only a couple of does there so we cracking on with the pizzas and again the midges were shocking.We had been sitting for over an hoor so we got oot to have a look at any blind spots we couldnt see from the Jeep,and after walking 20 yards i spotted the smaller buck from the other night,just in front of the hoose and an easy stalk.Only had to walk 50 and on getting there he was non the wiser so had plenty time to choose a spot.Took a good while as the cover was blanking his vitals most of the time and also backstop was minimal at times but when both was spot on the pill dropped him on the spot.A very nice six pointer and at least a bronze,hopefully silver.All cleaned and weighing 590g but still to dry.Very even and around 10 inches.Probably the worst gralloch ive had to perform due to the biting little ***** and the dogs faces were grey with them.

On dark we held away to the farm to sort oot the ferals but it didnt go exactly to plan.The full moon and light night meant they were flying oot and we only ended up with 7 and a huge rat which was a bonus.Used the slugger for this and again fine to give it an airing.

Next we just drove around to daylight which wasnt long shooting rabbits with the slugger.They were absoluting heaving at places but again with it being so light and still they were very flighty but still managed a few.Lamped 3 foxes and know where the den is noo so should manage a wee sit oot and clean them up shortly.

On daylight we did the usual route and ended up at the MILs to pick up the buck from the evening,and unbelievably there was yet another mature buck with a keech head not five yards from where we had the one the previous evening.Same stalk and this time took a sitting shot to get above the cover.On the chap he jumped,went five yards and collapsed with the heart being minced.Very long session and glad to get back to the hoose after 15 hours solid but all in a good gig.

Also a few pics of Dunrobin Castle at Golspie.Absolutely stunning place and well worth a look around with the museum an eye opener and a half.To see the variety of creatures that were killed long ago takes a bit of believing so if ever up that way have a look.Many of the rooms are as they were back in the day although you dont get to walk through all 189 of them.




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