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Which Battery for lamp?


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Iv been looking at the deben belt kits which i think has two batteries on the belt, then a female cigar plug so you can plug the lamp in, but its £80 odd quid. Bit steep :oops:


I was looking for a cheaper option, but something that will last a few hours that will work well.


I could probably find a battery sling or belt elsewhere.


It will be for a deben lightforce lance 140mm lamp


Iv seen some 12v 7Ah and 12v 10Ah, can anybody advise on how much power i will get out of these batteries (how much shooting in time sence).

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Battery (12V 7Ah) can be bought for about £15 then I used an ex-army webbing bag which fitted the battery perfectly (£3), I bought a cigarette lighter socket on a wire for £3 and fitted a couple of connectors on it and it worked a treat. All for about £21.

Remember you will need a charger too though - Allow £5 - 10 for that.



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Battery (12V 7Ah) can be bought for about £15 then I used an ex-army webbing bag which fitted the battery perfectly (£3), I bought a cigarette lighter socket on a wire for £3 and fitted a couple of connectors on it and it worked a treat. All for about £21.

Remember you will need a charger too though - Allow £5 - 10 for that.





Ok got the rest of the stuff sorted, im looking at either the 7Ah or the 10Ah battery.


Any chance you could point me in the direction of the charger?

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I use a 12V 7A/h and get at least 3 hours of lamping out of it. Best thing to do is get hold of a couple and take two with you - should last you then for a lamping session no problems



Coolies, will probably go for the 10Ah,


Also found this





Just snip off that smaller end and get 2 spade connectors soldered on there

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