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smart in her summer plummage

aga man

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just a simple picture of a very freindly woodie thats become a regular visitor in the garden.

undoubtedly a town bird a town bird that rarely ventures into the countryside [as it comes and shares my chickens grub]. :rolleyes:

although the majority of us on here spend most of our time in pursuit of these birds you would have to agree the are handsome looking bird and the world would be a dull place without them. :)



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I agree it is great to see them in a garden along with others.


I have pair of these and another of Collared Doves that nest in a Bay tree. Both pairs 'trained' to sit in trees awaiting my 2 handfuls of wildbird seed!


Magpies, squirrels etc are 'persona non=grata' but these are 'pets'!



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Yes it's good to appreciate our quarry species for their appearance as well as their food value. Wood pigeons are no exception.


I always admire any woodcock or grouse I may shoot and I treat anything I have shot with respect.

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They are stunning birds and I love to see the antics on my bird table when I have eight or nine birds trying to feed . I agree with JDog always respect your quarry .

nice to hear from you PC. are you returning from sunnier climes anytime soon? we miss your posts and amazing pictures. i'm sure you are aware but the birds are starting on the barley now and its very warm and sunny here too :good:

Edited by aga man
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nice to hear from you PC. are you returning from sunnier climes anytime soon? we miss your posts and amazing pictures. i'm sure you are aware but the birds are starting on the barley now and its very warm and sunny here too :good:

I won't be back for another month but I'm lucky that the local bar has WiFi so I'm able to see what you are up to. I saw lots of pigeon in rape in France and seed in Italy on the way down to Greece it's 33 degrees at present. Ben ( Bunny Blaster) is in the area and he will be having the sport til I return. I wish all the PW members a bumper barley season, keep the game dealers busy.

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