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this is the rewards my father gets for helping others,sickening to the stomach,i only hope and pray the culprit has one pint to many in the local and spills.boiling to the point as how any scum could even think of doing this to my father who helps whoever he can is just beyond me.

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That is sickening, I cannot understand the prople who do things like that.


Not very clever of the paper to print your dad's phone number though - it's clearly a criminal act so should go straight to the cops if there's any information.

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That is sickening, I cannot understand the prople who do things like that.


Not very clever of the paper to print your dad's phone number though - it's clearly a criminal act so should go straight to the cops if there's any information.

i thought that myself ,the police were notified in the first instance but my dad obviously wants to thank anyone who has information personaly

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Jesus rob what were they thinking m8 !!!

I'm sure someone will know who and why m8 ?

im sure it will come out mate, for 38 yrs we have never had a problem untill now, realy disheartening,as my dad mentioned all his prize money goes to charity and its a shame that we can no longer do that

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I know it's not much of a condolence but I'm in Durham tomorrow and ill stick a few extra quid in the charity boxes he supported so they are not loosing out either m8 ...

cheers mate,we are cutting our cost from the veg shows and donating all the prize money from that (leeks etc) which usualy covers the cost of our heating,compost etc.it will be sad to end showing on a note like this as my dad mentioned hes done it for a lot of years with myself around 20 yrs showing as a partnership with him in the veg sections.

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seen it more than a few times lads down the lotty losing everything, this one looks like another grower with green eyes,as with leek growers, however been plenty of occasions when its simply mindless cretins , (ask the pigeon lads)



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thank god he hadn't got pigeons or left the whippet there things could have been really nasty.....



seriously though i'd go with a bit of good old fashioned Northern Envy but I can vouch for Kdubyas whereabouts as he was playing with the imigrants in France

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there really are some ******* out there.


i agree with your dad and the others on this thread - does not look like the work of kids, im sure they would have got bored after the first few flowers and just kicked them over. my money would be on someone else growing these flowers, nearby who knows the layout and times kept by the allotment holders.


its one of those things though, he will probably never get the bottom of it, i know its easier said than done but he needs to try to not dwell on it, it will only eat him up with rage.


i hope he keeps on with the allotment though, rig up a cheap pin- hole camera from the shed and keep and eye on it.

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its realy nice to know how other genuine guys realy understand how disheartening it has been for him/us.

with regret it has come to the point that my dad is realy adamant that he,s finished.

he took on the hobby of flower growing just before taking a heart attack some years ago at a young age and tells me he can;t be going down the same road with stress etc.

i will be keeping on the plot which has been in the family for nearly 60yrs and only hope it doesnt happen again.

my father will continue judging for various horticultural society,s but will not grow for the show table.

i will greatly miss visiting the benches for where he did show and furthermore the morning chats in the flowersheds and polytunnels whilst he was cultivating and preparing flowerbeds for the show plants.He,s admiration has been bown to the ground by these whatever you wish to call them to the extent that there just seem to be nothing there.

the amount of calls dad has received is overwhelming but nothing,anything or anyone seems to be able to change he,s mind.

its a great shame to a great flower grower.

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  • 2 months later...

I think i've changed he,s mind

whilst taking the flower stools of dahlias out over the weekend and the chrysanths i seemed to coax him into giving it another year to see how it goes,weve got another acre plot not far from home and he agreed,,now its the time to get that plot ready and errect another few tunnels beds sorted etc.

only glad i mannaged to talk him around,, he'd be lost without it.

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