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Snap Caps - Do you use them & if so, why??


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Yes I use them to quickly test the ejectors on the rare occasion I have stripped my gun down and oiled it.

Then I put them away somewhere where I can never find them again.

No, I don't store the gun with them in as it isn't nesessary.


The theory is...


If you use them you are taking the load of the mains springs by releasing them, but unfortunately you are then pre-loading the ejector springs.



They do, however make nice paperweights if you get the brass or aluminium ones ;)

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I've never used them


Same as Dazza. Was a bit of a headwrecker when I first got my shottie, thought I'd be doing all kinds of terrible things to my gun if I didn't use one. Got some good advice and guess what, the sky hasn't fallen ;)


That's what I was thinking...as I've been shooting for years and my sky hasn't fallen in either yet...but it's always worth learning & asking!

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I don't use them myself. Modern guns have springs that can cope with being stored under tension better than older ones. If you have a gun with ejectors I've heard that when you fire the snap caps the ejector springs are put under tension, so it puts them under more strain instead! If you have an old gun without ejectors, then maybe it could be worth using them?

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I just release the trigger gun empty and then switch barrels and same again.



That Pin is unwise.

It tends to lead to broken firing pins as the only thing that stops the pin is the belt as it hits the action. With snap caps the centre is spring loaded to break the shock of the firing just as a live primer would and so the pins will last much longer.


When you fire a gun onto snap caps the mainsprings are released and therefore will not 'set' in the compressed position and so loose some of their power.


If you use your gun regularly the use of snap caps is superfluous but if you store your gun then I would recommend using them. It is better to protect the mainsprings (no misfires on that one day a year is most important) than worry about the ejectors. You can still manually remove a spent case even if the ejector doesn't work.


Remember most guns cock the main springs on opening and the ejectors on closing after ejecting.

When you want to store your gun fire it on snap caps - open it and eject the caps - pop them back in and remove the forend and shut the gun - now fire it again.

bingo all the springs are no longer under tension.

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I just release the trigger gun empty and then switch barrels and same again.



That Pin is unwise.

It tends to lead to broken firing pins as the only thing that stops the pin is the belt as it hits the action. With snap caps the centre is spring loaded to break the shock of the firing just as a live primer would and so the pins will last much longer.


When you fire a gun onto snap caps the mainsprings are released and therefore will not 'set' in the compressed position and so loose some of their power.


If you use your gun regularly the use of snap caps is superfluous but if you store your gun then I would recommend using them. It is better to protect the mainsprings (no misfires on that one day a year is most important) than worry about the ejectors. You can still manually remove a spent case even if the ejector doesn't work.


Remember most guns cock the main springs on opening and the ejectors on closing after ejecting.

When you want to store your gun fire it on snap caps - open it and eject the caps - pop them back in and remove the forend and shut the gun - now fire it again.

bingo all the springs are no longer under tension.



I thought that ejectors are recoil operated, therefore snap caps wouldn't "set" the ejector springs (i.e. like how you can "set" them by bumping the butt of an unloaded shotgun on the floor) - hence all you would have to do to unload all the springs in a shotgun would be simply to fire snap caps once - job done?

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I thought that ejectors are recoil operated, therefore snap caps wouldn't "set" the ejector springs (i.e. like how you can "set" them by bumping the butt of an unloaded shotgun on the floor) - hence all you would have to do to unload all the springs in a shotgun would be simply to fire snap caps once - job done?


Ejectors are 'powered' by springs, but set by the recoil of the gun - if that makes sense? ;)

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Buy some and get it out of your system. They are useful if you want to test the firing mechanism and ejectors as part of cleaning / maintenance. Alternatively, when I am drunk and standing in front of the mirror in only my pants doing the whole DeNiro "you looking at me thing" they come in quite useful.

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Ejectors are 'powered' by springs, but set by the recoil of the gun - if that makes sense? ;)


The ejectors for most s/s and O/U are cocked ie compressed when the gun is closed. The recoil has nothing to do with setting them.



My comment re 'set' was a different use of the word. I was saying thet if you leave any spring compressed for a longish time it will become partially fixed in that position ie set in that poosition and will loose some of its strength. By using snap caps you release the tension on the main springs (the ones that make the tumblers hit the firing pins that fire the cartridge) and so prolong their useful life.

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I thought that ejectors are recoil operated, therefore snap caps wouldn't "set" the ejector springs (i.e. like how you can "set" them by bumping the butt of an unloaded shotgun on the floor) - hence all you would have to do to unload all the springs in a shotgun would be simply to fire snap caps once - job done?


Ejectors are 'powered' by springs, but set by the recoil of the gun - if that makes sense? ;)


Exactly - so the ejector springs won't be "set" by snap caps - hence all the springs (ejectors and firing) should be released from tension when using snap caps. Shouldn't they?!?!


Buy some and get it out of your system. They are useful if you want to test the firing mechanism and ejectors as part of cleaning / maintenance. Alternatively, when I am drunk and standing in front of the mirror in only my pants doing the whole DeNiro "you looking at me thing" they come in quite useful.


Not sure what you're going on about there mate, but please don't tell me your messing about with firearms (unloaded or not) when drunk?!?!

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