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What would you have done ?


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This happened a couple of months ago, but i still think about it.


Basically, went to check a permission which has footpaths through it. Went to cut through a grass field and seen 3 people ( 2 women and a guy ) with 2 dogs - 1 sheepdog and 1 mongerel off their leads. They were sitting down and way off the footpath, so i went over to point this out to them, gun unloaded and broken to make safe. As i approached them the 2 women got up and the dogs were VERY aggitated, they put the dogs on the leads and warned me not to come close as the dogs would bite me, they walked about 30 yds away and stood with the dogs while i talked to the guy.


I explained they were off the path and they said they had come to the highest point off the field for a better view. I explained why i had a gun with me and they were still there after my chat with the guy, there was no shouting or anything.


I never felt under threat at all as they did take the dogs to one side, but what would have happened if the dogs had broke loose ?


What would my LEGAL stand have been, How far could i have gone to protect myself ?



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If the dogs had broken loose, perhaps the owners could have controlled them, perhaps they might have run away, perhaps they might have bitten the owners, perhaps they might have wanted to lick your hand, who knows ?


As regards protecting yourself from the dogs, if it became necessary, you might have had to use your gun as a stick, to try to keep the dogs away whilst retreating, but loading it and firing it would have been a very foolish thing to have done IMO.

A hell of a lot of "What ifs ?" in your post.


I was tempted to ask , what would have happened if the sky had fallen on your head, but I thought that might be too flippant. :)

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They seem half responsible for putting dogs on there leads , with there actions I would not have felt threatened , as for trespassing the majority of people would see this situation as quite normal sitting in a field chatting, from a dog walkers point of view and not a shooters view, ( every thought it was you who might have looked a bit scary to them ) ???

Edited by delburt0
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I have seen this happen before on a friends permission, and I'll say the same as I said to him, who do you think you are? lord of the manor?

its a permission, that means permission to control pests, not including humans, did you have signs out stating that shooting/pest control was being carried out?

if not, I would have simply gave a nod and carried on walking, as were they doing any actual harm by sitting down,


if you were shooting somewhere, and walkers/dog walkers heard you, Im sure they would give you a wide berth, its only when they approach you, that you can start harping on about leaving the footpaths and their loose dogs may catch a stray shot if they not careful

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Went over to them all of 10 yds, they were sitting "in my path" so to speak. The reason i was "trying to be nice " to them was to point out that shooting takes part in the area, NOT to be argumentative or king of the castle. If i had come from the opposite direction in the adjacent field and a pigeon had flown out of the trees and i had fired , they could have had shot raining down on them. It would have been a safe shot as i would have been firing into the air, with an empty grass field for it to land on, remember THEY were in the wrong place not me.


Never insinuated i would have shot the dogs either, just trying to paint some possible scenarios that could have happened.


If the sky had fallen on my head it would have probably hurt. :yes: .

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