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Making a walnut rifle stock


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I'm having another go at making a stock, out of Walnut this time, for the 452. I managed to source a piece of Walnut locally for £22 :good:



After squaring up, I marked out the area to inlet the action. I chain drilled to past what will be the finished depth of the stock to accommodate the magazine housing. Also the hole for the trigger was cut at this stage and the holes for the action screws. Then out with the router. :good:PA110171_zpsa2ce1ad6.jpg


First couple of passes shows it roughed out.




Bit more work here




Next was to rough out the general shape



Inletting all finely sanded out, and now the action drops in with a perfect fit :good: The rest of the stock shaped out a little bit more.



Next job will be to fit the butt pad so I can shape the stock some more. Will pop some more pics up as work progresses. :good:

Edited by turbo33
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Thanks for the replies. :good:

Its massively time consuming and I wouldn't make a living out of it :lol: I have done it with very limited tools. The list for anyone wanting to have a go is: Micrometer, couple of chisels, Stanley knife, few drill bits, router with one straight cutter (as that's all I have that's suitable. One for the action would have been useful ), metal straight edge, plane, sander, cheap saw, dremmel with small sanding drum, various sockets from the tool tray to wrap glasspaper round for the channeling and action bed, and the most useful tool is the 4" angle grinder with a coarse sanding disc on!! Sounds brutal, but its perfect for removing large areas of wood and blending in the butt pad. And finally, patience!! I should think its taken a good 20 hours so far. The old saying measure twice, cut once is so true, as one moments lapse of concentration would render it firewood :yes: The micrometer was a cheapo fleebay one, but it does the job for accurate measurements which is essential.


Will keep posting the progress :good:

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I spent a couple of hours this morning on finishing the stock. I had to relieve the stock to allow the bolt to be drawn back and cut out the recess for the bolt handle. This took quite a long time fettling as I wanted the bolt handle recess to only be as large as necessary.




It had final check over to make sure all the reveals, channelling and inlets were clean and tidy and the trigger completely free to move with plenty of clearance, then all those areas had a rub over with ccl gunstock oil as did the rest of the stock for the second time as It had a rub over with oil last night. :good: Whilst applying the second coat, I used 800 grit wet and dry, sanded with the oil. Here it is naked :lol:



After giving the spaniel a hoone round, cup of tea it was ready for final assembly. I popped a stud in the forend (so no more glass bipods :lol: )

and here it is. Its not as light as the photos show, but I wanted it to darken with age/oil and not force it with stain.










Time to get out with it again :good::good:

Edited by turbo33
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Looking really good. I've been thinking of having a go making one for a while.


When you say glasspaper wrapped around a socket, is this what you used for doing the barrel channel or did you do some step cuts with the router and then smoothed it with the glass paper/socket?


How are you going to do the chequering?


You posted the latest pictures as I was writing. Doubly good job. You maybe aren't going to do the chequering?

Edited by rtaylor
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Looking really good. I've been thinking of having a go making one for a while.


When you say glasspaper wrapped around a socket, is this what you used for doing the barrel channel or did you do some step cuts with the router and then smoothed it with the glass paper/socket?


How are you going to do the chequering?


You posted the latest pictures as I was writing. Doubly good job. You maybe aren't going to do the chequering?

I did a run with the router all the way through the centreline from the action bed to the end of the barrel channel. Then step cuts for the action, cleaning up with a chisel and then the fine bedding was done with sockets. It worked really well as the barrel is obviously tapered, so I dropped down socket sizes to the end. The sockets worked well in the action bed too as they have enough weight in them to help keep the sanding horizontal and parallel.


Not sure if I will do chequering, maybe, will see if I get bored in a week or two's time :lol:

Edited by turbo33
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Nice one. I fancy a thumb hole stock on mine. I'll have to keep my eyes open for a nice bit of wood.


Does it feel alright with out chequering?


Did you use the grinder to get the shape of the stock after you cut it out rough?

Edited by rtaylor
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