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Daughters boyfriend


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Hi guys, my Daughter and boyfriend have just got back from a 10 month tour of everywhere!

He has come to live with us now, he also is a superb cook (Bonus).

During their tour they obviously experienced a lot of different types of cooking, and he thought he might experiment a bit so he asked me to get him a few Rabbits to start off with.

So out I went tonight to try and oblige, strewth it was like daylight with the full moon. I hatched a plan to drive most of the stone tracks around my perms.

The water pump on the Disco was squeeking like nothing on earth and there was so much lying water you couldn't go anywhere quietly, so after a wasted hour decided to give it best and go home,

as luck would have it as I passed the last field, a small orchard I picked up a couple of sets of eyes and thought I'd try my luck.

Dave my mate who I shoot with had brought his old Falcon So we thought we would try that instead of my rimmy. I really enjoyed trying to get up close enough to shoot, what with the fallen apples under your feet crunching as you stood on them, and falling over broken branches in the longish grass, and it being daylight as I said, We ended up laughing out loud at our attempts of stealth, To be honest with me and Dave it's all about enjoyment and not how much we shoot.

It wasn't a total waste though as you can see Two 3/4 grown ones (good eating) and one a bit bigger,

now it's up to Ruebs to see what masterpiece he can come up with, looking forward to eating the results.




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Update/ Ruebs cooked half of them in a simple Rabbit stew ( veg stock, Pint of Scrumpy,bacon, tyme, seasoning, bay leaves, carrots, onions,and parsley dumplings. I have to say for simple food it was bliddy lovely and tasty,

He's making a Rabbit curry Thai style with the rest he's just in the process of getting all ingrediants(spices and stuff up together) if it was anything like what we had tonight, i'm glad he's living with us now, as i don't know how i got to this age with my misses' cooking :lol::lol::lol:



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