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Reproofing Costs


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They prefer an RFD submit for proof but you can contact them direct


British Proof Authorities London

The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers of the City of London,
The Proof House, 48 Commercial Road, London, E1 1LP
Tel: 020 7481 2695
Fax: 020 7480 5102


The Guardians of the Birmingham Proof House,
The Gun barrel Proof House, Banbury Street, Birmingham, B5 5RH
Tel: 0121 643 3860
Fax: 0121 643 7872

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Because they generate higher pressures than a normal cartridge, at least high performance ones do anyway. I seem to recall proofing was about £40 but if you wanted it doing 'while u wait' it incurred a 50% premium.


I seem to remember that was about their minimum charge but you can get 2 done for that in B'ham

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Because they generate higher pressures than a normal cartridge, at least high performance ones do anyway.


Fair enough. I am aware of the above, but wasn't aware the OP meant HP loads. I shoot HP steel loads through all my standard nitro proofed non-steel proofed guns, but through nothing tighter than 1/2, and simply thought a gun proved for magnum loads would have been ok for non-HP steel loads.

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Because they generate higher pressures than a normal cartridge, at least high performance ones do anyway. I seem to recall proofing was about £40 but if you wanted it doing 'while u wait' it incurred a 50% premium.

I Did Make a 4 Bore some years back, took it for proof at Birmingham, could not have been more help full.

Told me to go for a coffee and come back in an hours time..

True to their word it was ready when I got back, it wasn`t that dear to have it proofed even waiting,,, as said.

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I was in a very good gunshop in Suffolk over Christmas and asked about getting a gun re-proofed. Their faces turned a bit pale as they were smarting from recent experiences with the London proof house. They'd had 6 guns blown up, one of them a newer Beretta, which they'd sent down. They've been in business for a very long time and have had hundreds of guns proof tested with occasional failures, but all these guns looked fine to them and were now scrap. They suspect there have been some changes made to the proofing procedure. Might be worth holding off on the re-proof for a while in case there is something odd going on at the moment.

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reproofing is more than stated above;i believe it is £110(London proof-house charge) BUT gun has to be prepared and submitted by rfd...I was considering it v recently and the overall cost came in at @ £300 including carriage...I was also told on old guns with any signs of pitting the proof houses are now a lot stricter in failing guns so you could well find you have the gun stripped down,submitted and failed...

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Blimey and there was me wanting to get my Lanber proofed to take steel shot, the gun itself only cost £300, may well be worth looking at what steel proofed guns wabbitbosher has for sale!



If it's a fairly modern 3" magnum Lanber, just use steel through it and don't worry.

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Its not the cost of proof ,its weather the gun will be acceptable for proof . I have had a couple of "discussions" with both proof houses recently about rejected guns that I have submitted . They have tightened up on what is not acceptable including external rivals / marks and chamber depths . The gun must be fully on face and have sufficient bite to strand the proof loads and have no bulges / rivals or other internal marks in the bores .It is a fact that a lot of Spanish made and proofed guns would not have been accepted by either British Proof House time back even when new ,even less now .

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They measure the bore and outside DIA before PROOF.

They do not go willy ,nilly putting them through and Blow them.

They have enough experience to know what is going to Blow:

These guys are professionals not back street lackys:

If it too thin they will not do it anyway, The paper work would be as high as a house if it blows up. (From The horses Mouth).

Big enquires etc, As Said, They are not idiots..

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More and more guns are failing on view I agree but as far as I am aware they only measure the bore size and chamber depth . Anyone submitting a gun should have the experience to know if it is suitable . In many other CIP countries guns can only be submitted by registered gunsmiths where as in the UK any one can take a gun to the proof house for testing

Proof is destructive testing and guns are submitted at the submitters/owners risk .If a gun fails proof be it for a bulged barrel ,cracked action or blown barrels there is no come back on the Proof house you get it back and pay your bill , no paper work nothing except a reject ticket attached to the gun . The gun is accepted or rejected on inspection if accepted it is fired and inspected ,if it is then deemed to be ok then it is duly stamped , if not for some reason it is classed as failed .

I do not understand where the paper work" as high as a house" comes in.

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