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ineos/unite the union

novice cushie shooter

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Most are now closed a mate had an interview where it still open but a very specialist organisation with fe employees....

I am glad that the negotiations have been restarted hopefully with the union in its proper place..... I hope the plant can remain profitable and grow

By proper place do you mean not on site? Cos thats what happened. Unite and its reps have been bluffed by the owner and ineos has got what it wanted.


Fwiw i think this back tracking (which is for the good imo) will lose all confidence in the manufacturing sector in the trade unions. I work in chemicals and it seems to be the case.


There will be some redundancies but at least the main body off staff are saved.

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By proper place do you mean not on site? Cos thats what happened. Unite and its reps have been bluffed by the owner and ineos has got what it wanted.


Fwiw i think this back tracking (which is for the good imo) will lose all confidence in the manufacturing sector in the trade unions. I work in chemicals and it seems to be the case.


There will be some redundancies but at least the main body off staff are saved.

not just the unions being bluffed , salmond would have been bricking it ( not good for his up and coming vote) and camermoron would not be able to shout about a so called recovery of the economy, I think the "talks" :lol::lol: may have been along the line of how much will it cost us to keep the plant open, rather than we can persuade those naughty union chappies to rethink. B)



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am I correct in saying that since the 70,s it has been the fat cat unions that have brought this country to its knees ??? as well as the labour fat cats also ???


atb Evo


ps ,, just going for my popcorn , back in a mo

er no it was the cons and an old witch in particular who sold everything off and destroyed our industries ( who is whinging now about our energy prices) still you wont see what you don't want to see will you? mind you I will give you the fact that the one eyed mumbling jock did not help.



Salmond could have very well ended up with egg on his face...again. his wee sphincter was goin ten to the dozen.


Evo not just them that brought this country to its knees. Sweet or salted btw???

at least someone on this forum can see whats happened. :good:



being announced on the news now that it will be kept open and money invested - after the union and workers have backed down

thanks for that newsflash



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funny how the ones slating Kdubya .............. aw **** it I can't be ***** with this - if you don't pray to a minature Maggie every night and thank the ToryGods for your good fortune of birth and obvious levels of great knowledge which sets you apart from the scum and the benefit scroungers you might as well give up on here.

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funny how the ones slating Kdubya .............. aw **** it I can't be ***** with this - if you don't pray to a minature Maggie every night and thank the ToryGods for your good fortune of birth and obvious levels of great knowledge which sets you apart from the scum and the benefit scroungers you might as well give up on here.

I don't understand your post,but at least you used a capital T for Tory,good man :good::lol:

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I grew up in the era of constant strikes, power cuts and people on 3 day weeks, unions needed their **** kicking and that's what the milk-snatcher did and they whole heartedly deserved it, they did more damage to this countries economy than most of you can imagine.

if any company is losing money the choice is simple, everyone has to take a cut or lose their job, the choice for them was that simple but they tried to hold the company to ransom, lost the battle and had to grovel, time people woke up and realised that employment laws give them enough protection from **** treatment and unions should go the same way as british Leyland, consigned to the scrap heap where they put most of british industry, most of the so called union leaders seem to be jumped up little ***** who throw temper tantrums when ever their own salaries may be up for review and like to make out that they deserve every penny on the 6 figure salary that they earn

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funny how the ones slating Kdubya .............. aw **** it I can't be ***** with this - if you don't pray to a minature Maggie every night and thank the ToryGods for your good fortune of birth and obvious levels of great knowledge which sets you apart from the scum and the benefit scroungers you might as well give up on here.

not read anyone slating anyone,


who is whinging now about our energy prices)


certainly not me,,my average quarterly bill is over £1000,, why ??? because I have machines running to keep my son alive, do we get help ??? no we don't,, do me and my wife moan ??? no we don't


what we both do is work our boobs off to keep a roof over our kids heads and our own, have we ever moaned ??? no we havn,t


I have never voted in my life and never will Why ??? because its always the same promises promises promises, under table handshakes by council leaders the lot , none of the party,s can be trusted, but if I was to vote then I would support the tories due to them being the only ones who have the ball,s to do anything,


on another note, I have never been on the dole in 34 yrs since I left school


so I cannot be classed as scum or a benefit scrounger,


atb Evo


sweet please or the toffee ones

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I don't understand your post,but at least you used a capital T for Tory,good man :good::lol:

was intended to suggest that this forum and its users are slightly slanted somewhat to the right and if you don't worship the memory of the bitch queen, (sacrifice a few industries per year perhaps - keep those plebs in their place etc) and blame everything possible on the last (obviously not current or preceding- they are beyond reproach) govt you should have your SGC revoked as you are obviously not "our kind of people"

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was intended to suggest that this forum and its users are slightly slanted somewhat to the right and if you don't worship the memory of the bitch queen, (sacrifice a few industries per year perhaps - keep those plebs in their place etc) and blame everything possible on the last (obviously not current or preceding- they are beyond reproach) govt you should have your SGC revoked as you are obviously not "our kind of people"

You are preaching to the wrong person,while i don't mind anyone having a ticket, i do mind labour trying to justify their pitiful existence and blaming all the faults that they cause on the Tory's, the rest of us grew out of blaming our siblings at about 10 years old.


Labour live in a fantasy land and try to change the socio economic structure of this country to sustain their deluded policies every time they get in.

labour can't use Mrs T as a scape goat forever, it was a long time ago and she had the balls to do what was needed to keep this country afloat i didn't see arthur s rushing out when Mrs T died, could it be he was more concerned fighting his union to keep his 2m apartment that he awarded himself,hypocrites.

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was intended to suggest that this forum and its users are slightly slanted somewhat to the right and if you don't worship the memory of the bitch queen, (sacrifice a few industries per year perhaps - keep those plebs in their place etc) and blame everything possible on the last (obviously not current or preceding- they are beyond reproach) govt you should have your SGC revoked as you are obviously not "our kind of people"

So Will, would you rather we kept subsidising those same inefficient industries? because that's what we were doing for years rather than facing up to facts.


In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, the unions did a great job of getting good pay and conditions for the working man, they just got greedy, tried to run the country as an unelected junta. How democratic is the closed shop and secondary picketing.


Look at Germany and until recently, Japan. Good labour relations came about by everyone sitting down. Don't get me wrong, management weren't brilliant in those days, but the unions were worse.


I have always been a huge Maggie fan and yet I come from a family of miners ( Rockingham & Cortonwood pits) and left school in 1983, did the YTS bit so by rights I should be a Maggie hater but she did what was needed.



Not sure how true this bit is but a letter in our local paper last night stated that back in 1985, according to records, energy bills on average were 6.3 percent of average household incomes. The energy companies were still state controlled then. Now it's only 3.7 perecent. I stress I have not checked this out but if true, blows the anti privatisation theory out of the water.

You are preaching to the wrong person,while i don't mind anyone having a ticket, i do mind labour trying to justify their pitiful existence and blaming all the faults that they cause on the Tory's, the rest of us grew out of blaming our siblings at about 10 years old.


Labour live in a fantasy land and try to change the socio economic structure of this country to sustain their deluded policies every time they get in.

labour can't use Mrs T as a scape goat forever, it was a long time ago and she had the balls to do what was needed to keep this country afloat i didn't see arthur s rushing out when Mrs T died, could it be he was more concerned fighting his union to keep his 2m apartment that he awarded himself,hypocrites.

Well put Welsh, I put Comrade Crowe in that lot as well. Proper socialist.... not.

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go on then have a guess where this 300 million suddenly appeared from? oh and if accountants made the rules ooh me ribs! I thought bankers knew about money seems they didnt , just because you can count does not mean you can run a country.



Profit dear boy plus some incentives from govt. Govt Incentives were the reason Honda, Nissan & Toyota were built where they were....


If you kill the profit the company dies. Our socialist pals have not got this yet..

Lastly, if I hear Balls carry on about growth.... He and GG mucked it up, at least give the Tories the same time to put it right.


Energy bills up?, blame Red Ed, he was the muppet that signed us up to impossible EU targets.

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I am glad comrade bob crowe was mentioned.Go bob show those capitalists,you are one of the workers . :whistling:




http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008185/Bob-Crow-covering-pay-increase-years--rose-26-cent.html( please read how much he and 4 mates bill was at crows restaurant,up the workers)


http://metro.co.uk/2011/04/03/bob-crow-gets-taxpayers-help-with-rent-despite-earning-145k-a-year-648306/( bob makes no apology for living in social housing, yet doesn't see the irony that he is depriving some family in dire need of accommodation a roof over their head,go bob)



Pigs. snout.trough.

Edited by welsh1
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Profit dear boy plus some incentives from govt. Govt Incentives were the reason Honda, Nissan & Toyota were built where they were....


If you kill the profit the company dies. Our socialist pals have not got this yet..

Lastly, if I hear Balls carry on about growth.... He and GG mucked it up, at least give the Tories the same time to put it right.


Energy bills up?, blame Red Ed, he was the muppet that signed us up to impossible EU targets.


there are times I believe forced sectioning will never be stopped :yes: energy bills are up because a wonderful old crow (not bob) decided some well run state companies needed to be in the hands of the public, seems that was as usual a smoke screen, look who has them now and look where that profit is going, as for Honda Nissan etc , true they still exist and employ many many, but you conveniently fail to mention the like of Samsung that took million upon million on the promise of jobs that either never materialised or were very short lived.


I am no lover of labour surprisingly enough and I have never been on benefit, and if truth be know I probably pay more in tax per month than most on here actually pick up, but one thing I do admitting to is seeing a scam , and you through Grangemouth have just seen a scam as simple as the three card trick, yet you joined in eagerly on the chance of a bit of union bashing, and yep we even manged to get benefits in along with a chance to endorse a bit of tax fiddling ( the holy cow on here)



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Politics aside, if I was an employer who could afford it, and someone tried to blackmail me I would rather shut my place down than cave into union bullies and their strikes aggravated with secondary picketing tactics and malice, demarcation etc. Then start up again with a willing affordable workforce and practices - There's plenty of other people looking for work.


I'd cancel all the flights too if I had an airline company till the muppets decide that holiday periods are not the best time to take industrial blackmail.


Same for the firemen who are about to take their blackmail so close to bonfire night. Thatcher dint eff up the job market: She just weren't one to stand for the argies or any other bullies. Unions made it too iffy to keep some places open when cheaper products could be bought from abroad with cheaper workers. Business is business, she ran GB LTD.


I'd have them all onto the benefit waiting queue to wait for a pittance after the long wait for voluntarily surrendering their employment and see how clever they are then.

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I am glad comrade bob crowe was mentioned.Go bob show those capitalists,you are one of the workers . :whistling:




http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008185/Bob-Crow-covering-pay-increase-years--rose-26-cent.html( please read how much he and 4 mates bill was at crows restaurant,up the workers)


http://metro.co.uk/2011/04/03/bob-crow-gets-taxpayers-help-with-rent-despite-earning-145k-a-year-648306/( bob makes no apology for living in social housing, yet doesn't see the irony that he is depriving some family in dire need of accommodation a roof over their head,go bob)



Pigs. snout.trough.




Year on year RMT members have enjoyed inflation busting pay rise he deserves the same and works hard for his members, why should he not spend his money as he wishes?


Who would you limit social housing availability to Bob started on the railway in a poorly paid job why should he move from family and friends because he has made good?

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Politics aside, if I was an employer who could afford it, and someone tried to blackmail me I would rather shut my place down than cave into union bullies and their strikes aggravated with secondary picketing tactics and malice, demarcation etc. Then start up again with a willing affordable workforce and practices - There's plenty of other people looking for work.


I'd cancel all the flights too if I had an airline company till the muppets decide that holiday periods are not the best time to take industrial blackmail.


Same for the firemen who are about to take their blackmail so close to bonfire night. Thatcher dint eff up the job market: She just weren't one to stand for the argies or any other bullies. Unions made it too iffy to keep some places open when cheaper products could be bought from abroad with cheaper workers. Business is business, she ran GB LTD.


I'd have them all onto the benefit waiting queue to wait for a pittance after the long wait for voluntarily surrendering their employment and see how clever they are then.

This, very much this.

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Year on year RMT members have enjoyed inflation busting pay rise he deserves the same and works hard for his members, why should he not spend his money as he wishes?


Who would you limit social housing availability to Bob started on the railway in a poorly paid job why should he move from family and friends because he has made good?


Are you on smack?


He's on £150K per year basic. His common-law wife is on the same as an RMT pension trustee, or some such cobblers.


They live in a council house!


He's clearly remained a "man of the people," albeit it "his" people are now in the 1% highest tax/earnings bracket.

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Are you on smack?


He's on £150K per year basic. His common-law wife is on the same as an RMT pension trustee, or some such cobblers.


They live in a council house!


He's clearly remained a "man of the people," albeit it "his" people are now in the 1% highest tax/earnings bracket.



Get back to the Daily Mail where you belong

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Get back to the Daily Mail where you belong


No, FT & Times.


And the Crow's joint income is still well over £300K p.a., so what's your point?


Keep the red flag flying comrade. Perhaps Crow and the rest will throw you the scraps from their table when you're in need of help...

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Year on year RMT members have enjoyed inflation busting pay rise he deserves the same and works hard for his members, why should he not spend his money as he wishes?


Who would you limit social housing availability to Bob started on the railway in a poorly paid job why should he move from family and friends because he has made good?

The clue is in the name "social housing" let these people explain to you,I don't see how comrade bob fits into the criteria.



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No, FT & Times.


And the Crow's joint income is still well over £300K p.a., so what's your point?


Keep the red flag flying comrade. Perhaps Crow and the rest will throw you the scraps from their table when you're in need of help...


Won't need help sonny, Final salary pension and a very good salary thanks to Bob's efforts. I have met him and he is very nice.

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Get back to the Daily Mail where you belong

They do say the truth hurts. He is a perfect example of a champagne socialist along with most other union leaders.


I would love to see the reaction from our socialist friends if a so called industry fat cat who started off in a council house, after earing what comrade Crowe does, stayed in the house.

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