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Asylum seeker


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Oh dear God, do you not see that it is better to have one foreign person that wants to better themselves that 10 british people that do not?


Who is likely to uphold the economy best?


And the fact that the signature says 'My plan was foolproof and then someone invented a better idiot', rather than 'My plan was foolproof and then someone invented a better fool' or 'My plan was idiotproof and then someone invented a better idiot' speaks volumes!! :oops: .











Can't you understand that I would rather fund a foreigner doing his bit and paying into the economy above a chav/slag couple that breed and think Jeremy Kyle is a job.


I know how I would like it to be but that is not how it is and no matter how much crowing (please give me that :) ) and posturing, immigrants are here to stay.


How many members on here could have given their kids a kick up the *** to prevent 'Jonny Foreigner' getting their job.


Given the bile and vitriole, a fair few!

Oooooh, another handbag, debating in English, what's your preferred weapon?



Oh dear, 955i. Better to be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.


He will need approximately £90,000 of extra funding to complete his CPL. On top of this a further £25-30k to fund a type rating (a specific course tailored to the type, i.e. B737 or Airbus A320). It will be interesting to see who funds it as at the moment indigenous people from the UK cannot get student loans for commercial pilot's courses. It has to come from the bank (difficult post 2008) or Mummy & Daddy.

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Oh dear, 955i. Better to be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.


He will need approximately £90,000 of extra funding to complete his CPL. On top of this a further £25-30k to fund a type rating (a specific course tailored to the type, i.e. B737 or Airbus A320). It will be interesting to see who funds it as at the moment indigenous people from the UK cannot get student loans for commercial pilot's courses. It has to come from the bank (difficult post 2008) or Mummy & Daddy.

I don't actually think for one minute that 955i was suggesting that for 10k's worth of flying lessons he would achieve the status of a pilot even for easy jet :lol: (nothing easy about them really!) so spare him the grief and insults please, as for those who blindly miss the whole point of his lessons care and well being and the undoubted cost, he was a kid aged about10 dumped in a land so foreign to him he may as well have been on the moon, he has tried and tried fairly hard by the look of things to accept us and our ways and wants to put something back in(now there is a refreshing change)


So unlike the choudarys of this world he wants to stay and be a part of us, what do we do we throw him out whilst keeping the scumbags from Europe etc, but then as with most of the posts on here we allow vitriol to blind and accept the out-coming spew of detritus gladly.


à bientôt



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I don't actually think for one minute that 955i was suggesting that for 10k's worth of flying lessons he would achieve the status of a pilot even for easy jet :lol: (nothing easy about them really!) so spare him the grief and insults please, as for those who blindly miss the whole point of his lessons care and well being and the undoubted cost, he was a kid aged about10 dumped in a land so foreign to him he may as well have been on the moon, he has tried and tried fairly hard by the look of things to accept us and our ways and wants to put something back in(now there is a refreshing change)


So unlike the choudarys of this world he wants to stay and be a part of us, what do we do we throw him out whilst keeping the scumbags from Europe etc, but then as with most of the posts on here we allow vitriol to blind and accept the out-coming spew of detritus gladly.


à bientôt




If you go back and read some more of 955i's comments, it is clear that he does indeed believe that this will start him on the path to a commercial licence.

Also the main thrust of the counter argument is that a recreational qualification should not be funded regardless of origin of recipient.

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If you go back and read some more of 955i's comments, it is clear that he does indeed believe that this will start him on the path to a commercial licence.

Also the main thrust of the counter argument is that a recreational qualification should not be funded regardless of origin of recipient.

no the main thrust is he is getting something your not, and that's what hurts .



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The way I see it....


The guy, IF he gets his PPL will have shown that he is willing to at least try to achieve something


No it will not lead him into paid employment as a pilot, BUT imagine the scenario


Interview for a job,


Both him and "Tequilla" (I kid you not, I watched something on tv the other night and that was the kids name) come for a job


Interviewer asks "what have you been up to lately"?


Asylum seeker replies " I have been studying for my PPL at college and hope to qualify in the next few months"


Tequilla replies " I hang around the park wiff me mates, we smoke skank and drink cheap vodka"


I think I know who I would be favouring,


Asylum seeker has shown he is willing to study to try and better himself, Tequilla hasnt


Its all down to attitude and whether you're happy to sit at home or try to learn something new


There, thats my input :ninja:



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No......I already have what he is getting kdubya.....

yeh but you paid for it, he isn't and by god nothing raises the neck hairs better than the green eyed monster.




The way I see it....


The guy, IF he gets his PPL will have shown that he is willing to at least try to achieve something


No it will not lead him into paid employment as a pilot, BUT imagine the scenario


Interview for a job,


Both him and "Tequilla" (I kid you not, I watched something on tv the other night and that was the kids name) come for a job


Interviewer asks "what have you been up to lately"?


Asylum seeker replies " I have been studying for my PPL at college and hope to qualify in the next few months"


Tequilla replies " I hang around the park wiff me mates, we smoke skank and drink cheap vodka"


I think I know who I would be favouring,


Asylum seeker has shown he is willing to study to try and better himself, Tequilla hasnt


Its all down to attitude and whether you're happy to sit at home or try to learn something new


There, thats my input :ninja:



hurray someone turned a light on.



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yeh but you paid for it, he isn't and by god nothing raises the neck hairs better than the green eyed



You've hit the nail right on the proverbial, sprackles has paid for it but perhaps he, like some of the rest of us, don't see why we should be paying for a person dumped here by his father to take flying lessons that he will never have to pay for. It isn't envy, only an idiot would think that, it is outrage at what is considered to be an entitlement to learn a non essential hobby at our expense. People are struggling to pay their taxes, it isn't just income tax but all the others that effect us, hard working people can see how wrong this is.


I find it absolutely incredible that anybody could think that was reasonable when we've no doubt already forked out a small fortune to support him and his brother since they were dumped here. It would be interesting to know just how many more kids get brought here and dumped but never get heard about because they just get absorbed into the system at our cost yet again.


The brothers should have been returned to their country of origin when they were dumped here so that they could look after them at their expense, might have encouraged that country to track down the father and make him take on his responsibilities.


No surprise that the country is so screwed up when things like this go on!!

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I tolerate it because it's a system that helps more people than it gets abused by, if he is granted this it leaves the door open for any potential terrorist to come here claim his supposed human right for our taxes to pay for flying lessons then they can fly into a sky scraper all curtesy of you hating our flawed benefit system.

i think you will find he gets it because he was educated in care so unless the terrorists are 12 parent less and prepared to wait i think its unlikely :lol: if anyone knows better let me know so i can claim for some lessons i fancy a plane :good: seriously i expect a white kid in care could do the same


is there anyone here who would turn down a free private pilots licence?

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Him and his brother are only after one thing and that is to stay in the UK


A couple of failed asylum seekers who are looking for any way to stay in the UK looks like they have now won and opened the floodgates for counless others to play the same card

they were kids when they came they didn't ask to come or pay to be brought here they were KIDS OK! they were dumped here is that to hard to take in or shall we do it one word at a time , so no they never really came seeking asylum did they?so how are they failed asylum seekers, they have now simply not been given leave to stay, wrongly in my opinion, but then again its easy to deal with the good uns, unlike the idiotic way we let a scumbag dressed in a burka and with 20 cases of breaching terrorism prevention orders to simply "dissapear"



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they were kids when they came they didn't ask to come or pay to be brought here they were KIDS OK! they were dumped here is that to hard to take in or shall we do it one word at a time , so no they never really came seeking asylum did they?so how are they failed asylum seekers, they have now simply not been given leave to stay, wrongly in my opinion, but then again its easy to deal with the good uns, unlike the idiotic way we let a scumbag dressed in a burka and with 20 cases of breaching terrorism prevention orders to simply "dissapear"





Kids or adults they were failed asylum seekers and were going to be deported


This is just an excuse to get into higher education so they can stay

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does a hobby qualification count as higher education, i dont know i thought that was done at colleges and uni's

might as well do considering some of the useless subjects covered at uni these days.



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I wouldn't be bothered if it was welding course he was getting sent on or something that would actually gain him a usable qualification, but it's not it a hobby and a very expensive one. I don't care if he was dumped here, born here or smuggled in on the back of a lorry no one should be getting a PPL paid for by the tax payer. You'd soon kick off if a MP stuck some lessons on his expenses or if they started giving them to all scumbag junkies on the grounds it would look better on their CV's.

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I wouldn't be bothered if it was welding course he was getting sent on or something that would actually gain him a usable qualification, but it's not it a hobby and a very expensive one. I don't care if he was dumped here, born here or smuggled in on the back of a lorry no one should be getting a PPL paid for by the tax payer. You'd soon kick off if a MP stuck some lessons on his expenses or if they started giving them to all scumbag junkies on the grounds it would look better on their CV's.

seems 99% would be though wouldn't they.



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seems 99% would be though wouldn't they.



99% against us subsidising kids that anybody wants to just dump here or against training them once they've been dumped in something practical?


Is there a hypothetical limit to the number of such people we should accept and pay for out of the public purse or should it be a free for all?


Try to bear in mind that in reality looking after one child on the state costs what several working people are paying in tax.

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99% against us subsidising kids that anybody wants to just dump here or against training them once they've been dumped in something practical?


Is there a hypothetical limit to the number of such people we should accept and pay for out of the public purse or should it be a free for all?


Try to bear in mind that in reality looking after one child on the state costs what several working people are paying in tax.

I wonder if you have ever thought what it must be like to dumped as kid then to see the inhabitants of the country your in turn against you, :hmm: nah you haven't have you, lots of things irritate me, but this thread does not do that? it makes me feel ashamed.



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I wonder if you have ever thought what it must be like to dumped as kid then to see the inhabitants of the country your in turn against you, :hmm: nah you haven't have you, lots of things irritate me, but this thread does not do that? it makes me feel ashamed.




And thats one of the reasons the countries in a state feeling sorry for every sob story where does it all end


Hes a man now he was looked after as a child

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I wonder if you have ever thought what it must be like to dumped as kid then to see the inhabitants of the country your in turn against you, :hmm: nah you haven't have you, lots of things irritate me, but this thread does not do that? it makes me feel ashamed.



This is straight emotion on your part.


Surely the point is that very few people would object to his being financed for training for work, however it's a very different thing for the tax-payer to have to pay for a hobby.


This payment is analogous to those made to the juvenile criminals sent on outward bound holidays and the like

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And thats one of the reasons the countries in a state feeling sorry for every sob story where does it all end


Hes a man now he was looked after as a child

I will treat that with the contempt you deserve



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to get back to the point it is purely wrong in this day and age when we have food banks for the needy and they spend money on someone that cannot pay for there own education in a foregion country to them but expect others to do it for them is not right this is the cencored version

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