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naughty step


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They were in local village where I take daughter to school.( not a bad idear as people tend to rush there and rush out) . But as I like a wind up so into first up to max rpm to see them all drop there sarnies and scramble for there speed gun then straight to third to tootle past at 20

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They were in local village where I take daughter to school.( not a bad idear as people tend to rush there and rush out) . But as I like a wind up so into first up to max rpm to see them all drop there sarnies and scramble for there speed gun then straight to third to tootle past at 20

classic :lol: ,



just done my speed awareness course

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Yeah, but I was allowed. I have spent 20+ years putting people onto longboards or into bodybags to want to do it so glibly myself.

So NEVER in a civilian vehicle?


I find that quite difficult to believe.


Not trying to start an argument, but your response suggested that you have never done it and as said, I don't believe that.


I stay within speed limits as much as possible, but have caught myself going over, it just happens sometimes.

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Correct like children, vision and hearing impaired, drunks etc.

Yes your quite correct, and should they be there wandering about not looking or not supervised, no.


Roads are where big dangerous things move around. Sad but that's life.


Just look at level crossings.



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Correct like children, vision and hearing impaired, drunks etc.


Whatever, I hear and accept an argument for this but I am also sick to death of the motorist getting all the stick for it, society needs to accept more responsibility for itself rather than simply blaming the motorist for speeding. Many speed limits are stupid jokes, a few years back I regularly came back from a nightclub at 3-4-5am and went through a school area of 20mph, the police used to just sit in a side rd with a camera out the window and collect motorists all night.


I have noticed more recently in another area round me a school with a Timed speed limit, can't remember exactly but morning and evening weekdays, now that at least makes sense.


Speed limits are debateable anyway, the stopping distance of a Lotus Exige at 30 is FAR better than a 40ft Supermarket delivery truck, suffice to say the Lotus is probably FAR safer and better stopping distance at 40-50mph than a 40ton truck at 30mph.


Regardless, the motorist is regularly targeted as a soft/easy touch and perfectly reasonably gets the hump at the common injustice of this!



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They were in local village where I take daughter to school.( not a bad idear as people tend to rush there and rush out) . But as I like a wind up so into first up to max rpm to see them all drop there sarnies and scramble for there speed gun then straight to third to tootle past at 20



Priceless :lol:

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We used to do the 'low 'n slow' past these people. On the bikes (some with less than standard pipes), tuck down behind the screen, open the throttle - and slip the clutch. Lots of noise of big bikes with howling engines always gets the camera/speed gun wielders/traffic wannabees mobilised, only to have the bikes dawdle past at about 10mph.

OK, it's not big and it's not clever - but it is funny to see the look of abject frustration on their faces.

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