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How long willl it last?????

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Got a 10week old ESS 2 days ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


lovely dog.....................but its whimpered and cried for 2 nights solid....I'm knackered!!


How long does it normally take for them to settle down?.......is there anything I can do to quiet him down?



I apreciate that he is missing his siblings,.................I have kept him in the utility room, with a small tele on for company which dosnt seem to have helped.......... Like I say I do feel sorry for the little fella, but this is daft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It takes a different amount of time for every puppy to settle, Buy yourself a set of earplugs before the puppy works out its a game. And persevere it will be worth it.

Regards Dave.

Ps have got a black lab I wouldnt be without now but would have willingly swaped her for a decents nights sleep for the first week.

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When we got our first dog (Black Lab) it became so bad that I bought him upstairs. That stopped the crying. 12 years later he still sleeps upstairs, he dont cry now, but can he snore :lol:


I am just about to get an ESS. Fortunately we have a conservatory that he will go in for the first couple of weeks in a cage.

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......is there anything I can do to quiet him down?



A hot water bottle wrapped up in a nice comfy towel, coupled with the tick, talk of an old style windup alarm clock, and a sweater that you recently have worn all put together in a nice little cubby hole bed.


If you are using a wire crate put a blanket over it, a small vari kennel will be cuddly enough, and if you are not crate training....which you should be.......a good size covered card board box. Remember it should be big enough for him to stand up in , turn around in, and lay down comfortably in.





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Use one of your old jumpers that hasn't been washed so it has plenty of your scent on it, put it in his bed and it will comfort him as he will think you are around.


Merlin took about a week to settle in and from then on he was fine until we went on holiday and took him with us, after staying in a caravan for a couple of weeks he wouldn't settle.


He now sleeps where he likes. :good: B)

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