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Shotgun Sights?


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Im gonna post it here now in case anyone has seen this before, reckon i posted it in the wrong part,



Has anyone used the HI VIZ Sight System that you can get for shotguns? Are they worth the money, do they fit on the escort s/a s/gun?


Also what are peoples verdicts on the easy hit system? do most people find that they improve their skills, as im going through the stage of missing most things presented to me, yet 6 months ago i wasnt anywhere near this bad.

Where could i purchase the easy hit from and how much?

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There was a thread on this one a little while ago, and the conclusion of those who knew what they were talking about is that these gizmo's do not help you hit more targets.


If you are going through a slump in scores, check to see whether your gun still fits you properly, (have you gained / lost weight recently?), are you lifting your head off the stock, has your eyesight got worse..??


Any extra bright object stuck on the rib will only tend to draw the eye away from the target and onto the rib, the result is that you stop the gun and miss the target.


Richard Faulds doesn't have any bead at all on his rib, it's completely flat.


Save your money, spend it on getting your gunfit checked.



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Is it hard to remove the bead on a shotgun? are they threaded?


I'm having a few issues with my shooting namely right shoulder left dominant eye so i just close the left while shooting but my main prob is that i aim point and shoot and not swinging which im not going to correct until i shoot some clays at the moment im just shooting duck and when they get up i forget about everything sensible i'm still get kills most of the time but want to correct it.

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End beads are normally threaded and turn straight out. Adjustable spanner or grips. I normally protect the sight with cloth. Centre bead - have fun. They fall apart when you take them out. I pulled mine out with pliers and carefully ground down the remains with a Dremell.

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Shotgun sights??? whatever next? Most top line professionals have theirs taken off, any good competent gunsmith will do it. (Hey there's a T Shirt slogan there I think...Shooters do it out of sight! :yp: ) You shouldn't need a sight 'cause you should be looking at the target not the gun/rib/barrels etc. A properly fitted or even for that matter a badly fitted gun should be an extention of you and shoot pretty much where you point it! But that's another story :look:


Being the old sceptic that I am I guess these Hi Viz systems etc are all designed by marketeers to relieve you of your hard earned.

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Shotgun sights??? whatever next? Most top line professionals have theirs taken off, any good competent gunsmith will do it. (Hey there's a T Shirt slogan there I think...Shooters do it out of sight! :angry: ) You shouldn't need a sight 'cause you should be looking at the target not the gun/rib/barrels etc. A properly fitted or even for that matter a badly fitted gun should be an extention of you and shoot pretty much where you point it! But that's another story ???


Being the old sceptic that I am I guess these Hi Viz systems etc are all designed by marketeers to relieve you of your hard earned.


As usual, Highlander's hit the nail on the proverbial head and confirmed what most serious shooters already have learned, that is to concentrate on looking at the target, with both eyes open, NOTHING ELSE.



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