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Rain 80mph winds

The camo stalker

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I lost part of my garage roof last night and some fence panels down, but thanks to some help from a couple of farmer friends thats all been fixed, with replacement sheets and the panels secured.

No trains running in to Kent today (flooding and trees on the line apparently) , so I had to drive to Tonbridge to pick up my daughter.

Roads closed all over the place with flooding and the middle of Tonbridge (incl Sainsburys) seemed to be under water.

Loads of roads closed, but no suggested diversions, what a mess. :rolleyes:

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hi old rooster


yes done some fishing this year mainly just mackerel and pollock but had a few dog fish also, tried for some bass but no success this year. we went out to the shambles but it got a bit rough so had to head back in as swmbo was going a bit green lol


where do you fish around weymouth

Had quite a good season on the Shambles and mussel beds, set out to get a 5lb plaice this year and a 10lb turbot. Got the plaice at well over the target weight and a fantastic brill of 8 1/2lb so not too disappointed. Over one two day trip had 10 turbot and a few bass. Some decent pollock and cod off the wrecks about 20 miles off but haven't got out after the winter cod yet. Hope to get chance to try off Chesil once the weather calms down a bit. Edited by old rooster
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that's good fishing mate, I go to Weymouth most weekends in the summer bit of a trek 240 miles each way but I love Weymouth and love the boat, don't go too far in her that often as she only does 1 mpg so it can get expensive just blasting around


could try and have a meet up next year and do a day some where if your up for it


cheers shawn

Edited by shawn9914
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I ended up getting out of bed early to rescue a friend who'd attempted to cross a flood in her car and stalled it. I'm pretty ill at the moment so wasn't a great start to the day here in Essex. Lots of damage as per normal :-).

Should have seen her face when I to her that its likely her engine is absolutely wrecked... (She's been trying to start it again and again...). Essex girls eh?! :-)

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Guest rimotu66

Not to bad here in Lincolnshire, just as well as I had a 1 1/2T valve and actuator to rig up and lift out, 70ft up, mind you the crane we got sent did not have a wind speed indicator fitted so havnt a clue what it was gusting at :/

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was not too bad here in burton but it did blow a large poplar tree over down the road blocking the road and it also blew my loft hatch open which spooked my 16 year old daughter


its all calmed down here today now though but no floods round here feel for some of the people on the tv especially this time of year

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same in dover. the rubbish men will have a quiet day if your bins not in the right place they will leave it as usual and if its emptied onto the road it will be left for the road sweeper :lol:


Road sweeper? Makes me laugh they just leave it on the road in my road Elms Vale. Have not seen a road sweeper up here for years. Still if the wind keeps up it will blow down the folkestone road give the :ninja::welcomeani: down there something to do instead of taking it out of the bins up here. :yahoo:

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Started up North last night? Just before midnight the winds started picking up. I was thrown around a few times, while driving home from work at 0:30


I was woken at 2am with an almighty bang and my roof tiles were chattering. My gate is half way down the street in bits! And my loft hatch was sucked into the loft.


The fence in the back garden is having a lay down. And I have lost my trailer cover!


I can't see any missing tiles, but then the wind is still here!


Will have to just wait it out and see. I have to go into town now too.

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