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Semi Auto Club


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I have been seeing quite a few Semi Auto questions lately, majority from people wanting to buy their first one and get involved.


A lot of people seem to have Semi Auto's already for various types of shooting whether it be PSG, pest control, wildfowling or even clays! I thought it might be a good idea to have a general topic about them where people can discuss them, share their pictures / information about their guns and help any one with problems. It could help those who are thinking about getting a Semi Auto get started too


The Pump Club seems to be very successful, its helped many people out and i even ended up getting a pump thanks to that topic! I would start this off but i haven't got one yet, i am aiming to get an SX3 in the coming months though... :good: hopefully this topic will be helpful, if it works!

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I've got a Franchi Raptor with extended mag,ten in the mag one up the spout and it's one of those that can be ghost loaded so twelve in the gun.Use it for everything vermin,PSG,target and the odd bit of clays.


I have also recently picked up a AYA yeoman SxS for when the weathers not so good,the SxS is a damn sight easier to dry and clean.

Edited by mr smith
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I've got a Beretta 302 and a Benelli Raffaello.

had the beretta for some time and its been no trouble at all, The Benelli on the other hand not so good. I picked it up very cheap because it wasn't cycling properly, hopeless on any thing under 32g and not much better with 32g! but was ok with 50g :lol:.

So spent today stripping and cleaning every thing, all seems to be working ok now :yahoo: will find out for sure on Sunday.

Might have an escort coming but thats not working properly ether :oops:

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I bought a cheap browning gold about two-and-a-half years ago just to have a go with a s/a. Loved it the moment I took it wildfowlong!


About a year ago sold it to a friend and bought a new a5 recoil-operated -loved it even more. Tested both yesterday-night with lots of different loads. Only had problems cycling light 21 gr loads -that I never would use in the field or even on clays.


Use it on pigeon, crow and wildfowling.

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I've got a Franchi Raptor with extended mag,ten in the mag one up the spout and it's one of those that can be ghost loaded so twelve in the gun.Use it for everything vermin,PSG,target and the odd bit of clays.

Just googled "ghost loading" i've learnt something new already!!! :lol:

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Excellent idea! Perhaps we could call it the Pogo Stick Club, in honour of the semi-auto's greatest fan...


I have a Baikal MP153, bought very cheaply as a "throw it in the back of the pickup under a straw bale" gun. As it turns out, I rather like it. Getting a bit fed up with snide comments along the lines of, "you'll never shoot well with one of those", and "why handicap yourself with one those".

Yes, I could have spent four times as much and bought a nice Beretta or Benelli, but there are a couple off glaring faults with that cunning plan:

a. I would cry every time it got scratched

b. I couldn't afford to go and shoot it.


So; expensive ornament or cheap shooting tool? Hmmmm...


Ok, it makes curious mechanical noises: filling the stock with structural foam quietened that down a lot.

LOP is way too short. Plastic stock, so plastic extension, made from bits out of the Box of Useful Items, plus secondhand recoil pad.

Balance is very front heavy. Jeez, guys - primary school physics: remove weight from one end and add it at the other end to move the centre of mass.

Net weight added 3 oz.

Centre of mass moved aft 3", to under the bolt release button.


Total spend on mods £5.


Necessity (read poverty) is the mother of invention!

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I recently bought a Mossberg 9200.


Seem to have mixed reviews on the net, but it certainly seems sturdy enough to me! Feels good in you hands too.



One question for the more knowledgable semi auto owner, is there anything I can do to help my gun cycle carts under 70mm? Or is it literally just one of those things that semis can't do?

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I recently bought a Mossberg 9200.


Seem to have mixed reviews on the net, but it certainly seems sturdy enough to me! Feels good in you hands too.



One question for the more knowledgable semi auto owner, is there anything I can do to help my gun cycle carts under 70mm? Or is it literally just one of those things that semis can't do?

Afaik, cycling is more to do with load than cartridge length. What chamber length is your Mossberg?

I have heard that some 3.5" autos are reluctant to cycle light loads, although I discovered (inadvertently) that mine will cycle 24g loads without a hiccup.

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Recently added an sx3 to the cabinet in standard trim as ive post recently. Absolutely love it and new to semi auto club really. Easy to clean and cycles evetything so far. Used for roost and decoy mainly though an excellent spare gun for anything really. Not used on clays much but a recent round of skeet with it was a great laugh!

Edited by lambchop
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Afaik, cycling is more to do with load than cartridge length. What chamber length is your Mossberg?

I have heard that some 3.5" autos are reluctant to cycle light loads, although I discovered (inadvertently) that mine will cycle 24g loads without a hiccup.

It's a 3" chamber. I haven't actually tried any 67mm cartridges through it yet as I was told it would probably not cycle them. The reason I ask is because I have a load of 67mm 30g pigeon carts and am worried I won't be able to use them.

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