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proposed minimum wage rise


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Because working nights has nothing to do with the minimum wage, the night shift part is covered by the shift allowance so it would be a minimum of basic wage + shift allowance.


I worked shifts for around 4 years and not once did the hourly rate change depending on the shift, it was increase by the allowance for unsociable hours.


And without going around in circles is why I suggested that the maximum benefits to be capped at an amount under the minimum wage, then it's no longer a career option (well it is but not as lucrative as working)



I did shifts for 14 years....


The point I was trying to make was that for working nights I dont think £10 an hour is unreasonable whether that includes a shift allowance or not



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Savvy employers pay above average pay for particular jobs. In general though they expect something in return - namely productivity. So they hire less staff, pay them more, but get the same job (possibly more) done than they would with lesser paid less productive staff.

It is quite clear to see who they are - the staff are motivated and work hard/smart/fast. I suspect they have some very rigorous and detailed hiring processes to weed out the candidates who do not fit the bill.

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Increasing the minimum wage increases inflation, therefore the cost of living increases. This negates the rationale for the price rise, as there is no net benefit to workers, quite the opposite in fact. As prices increase, demand goes down, leading to a reduction in profitability and increased unemployment.


Those damn economists, eh? If it wasn't for them, you could all live in your socialist utopia of high wages, full employment and everybody equal in your workers paradise.

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Increasing the minimum wage increases inflation, therefore the cost of living increases. This negates the rationale for the price rise, as there is no net benefit to workers, quite the opposite in fact. As prices increase, demand goes down, leading to a reduction in profitability and increased unemployment.


Those damn economists, eh? If it wasn't for them, you could all live in your socialist utopia of high wages, full employment and everybody equal in your workers paradise.

Indeed, tis true
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I don't have a figure in mind but if the new minimum wage isn't going to be a living wage there is no point in worrying about it, make it a living wage and the reliance on top ups from benefits you lot seem so dead set against would dissapear overnight saving the public purse millions/billions every year, the governbent would also make millions/billions more annually with the increased income tax directly resulting from people earning more , but their chums in big business who's profits and lifestyles have become reliant on taxpayer funded low wage top ups for so long now would all loose a fortune and it's far far more important to keep Their chums happy at the end of the day as they give huge donations to whoever is in government at the time

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All jolly super but what do the people now employed on these raised wages produce that can be sold to generate profit?


The harsh reality is that people will have to accept reduced expectations, there is no alternative unfortunately. We've had it too good for too long off the back of moronic levels of government borrowing.


People have come to believe that the poverty line is way above what it realistically is, take a look at other third world countries if you want to see that.

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All jolly super but what do the people now employed on these raised wages produce that can be sold to generate profit?


The harsh reality is that people will have to accept reduced expectations, there is no alternative unfortunately. We've had it too good for too long off the back of moronic levels of government borrowing.


People have come to believe that the poverty line is way above what it realistically is, take a look at other third world countries if you want to see that.

Oh goody lets all live in mud huts along with the disease and hunger that goes with them, how forward thinking of you.



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Oh goody lets all live in mud huts along with the disease and hunger that goes with them, how forward thinking of you.



Haha, you sure take the top prize for silliness. All very fine living in a stare funded utopia but like all good things it has to come to an end.


I'd love to hear how you would balance the accounts??

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Increasing the minimum wage increases inflation, therefore the cost of living increases. This negates the rationale for the price rise, as there is no net benefit to workers, quite the opposite in fact. As prices increase, demand goes down, leading to a reduction in profitability and increased unemployment.


Those damn economists, eh? If it wasn't for them, you could all live in your socialist utopia of high wages, full employment and everybody equal in your workers paradise.


Does anybody read previous posts, or do they simply ignore anything that doesn't suit their airy-fairy wish that "somebody" simply hands over more dosh?

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Actually it's worse than that. I have 5 staff

2 on minimum wage £6.30 something per hour

2 in £9 per hour

1 on £8 per hour


They all get time and half for Saturdays.

In a standard 39 hour week that puts my nett wage bill up just under £500 per week before any overtime. Then there would be the additional paye costs to this.


Well if it happens I would be making all 5 staff unemployed as my company wouldn't be making enough money to cover this rise.


I'm sure I wouldn't be the only either

+1 mine will be gone

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