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Another baby killed by a dog - South Wales.


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6 days old for goodness sake. Its becoming a regular occurannce. There was a woman from blue x dog rescue on 5live this morning saying they are inundated with certian "dangerous dog breeds".


Havent enough innocent babies and children murdered yet before somthing is done.


What are they going to do about it then? It's not the breed as this case shows it's the stupidity of some people thinking they can leave a dog with a new born baby.

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What are they going to do about it then? It's not the breed as this case shows it's the stupidity of some people thinking they can leave a dog with a new born baby.

i never said it was the breed in this case. This has been exhausted already last week. The owners need to take more responsibility and use some sense if they have any.


I hope we will see more adverts possibly from the dog trust/rspca/sspca etc highlighting the lack of commonsense in some owners. However like most things would fall on deaf ears. I think a dog register would be good but unworkable.

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I definitely think adverts would be a good start. The problem with the media focusing on certain breeds is people get 'non dangerous' breeds and think they're completely safe which is insane. Labs and Collies are just as likely to bit a person as any other dog.


Televised ads being run by the government should highlight the dangers of leaving children unattended with dogs and educate how to keep them safe. To most of us this isn't rocket science but doing something simple like having a baby/stair gate would be a cheap start.


I see this the same way I look at how kids are killed each year by being left unattended near swimming pools, people just don't seem to think about the dangers until it's too late.

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RIP so very sad,


my youngest granddaughter has been living with us from birth along with my daughter and partner, i trust our dog 99.9% she would never do this but i can honestly say they have never been left alone together because there is still a .1% chance it might go wrong

Edited by chrisjh
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Dogs get jealous just like people do one minuet they are being petted and played with all of the time then one day it all stops and this noisy smelly thing turns up and the dog is pushed to one side I had a neighbour like that they had a Rotwiler and it went everywhere with them until the baby came along.


The dog soon ended up living it the garden shed in a shed and was hit with a stick if it did not do wat it was told to do when I saw that I told him that I would report him to the police if he ever did it again so he gave it away it was such a lovely dog and the funny thing was it loved my then Yourkshire Terrier.

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A tragic and sad event for all the family but I have to say its not just the dogs fault IMO.

The introduction of the baby into the household may have put the dog out of sorts a bit and dogs can be very jealous at times and if the baby has been getting all the attention !! the baby and dog left alone even for a few seconds.



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RIP so very sad,


my youngest granddaughter has been living with us from birth along with my daughter and partner, i trust our dog 99.9% she would never do this but i can honestly say they have never been left alone together because there is still a .1% chance it might go wrong

I have had this very debate with so many people who say they 100% trust their dogs. Would never trust any dog 100% esp round children of any age.


Sad sad news yet again thou.

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It is a very sad thing to happen for the family but it's Funny how this isn't turning into a 6 page bashing of so called dangerous dogs just because it's not a bull/staff breed.

possiby or possibly its all been exhausted on the 6 pager?? as has been said before on both topics its not just dangerous dogs that pose the problem its any breed and the owners

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At what point in time will these irresponsible owners stop blaming the dogs? It's about time they looked in a mirror to see who was to blame.

Agreed. Anyone who lets an uncontrolled dog near a child is irresponsible. Dogs are not totally predictable, and anyone who "knows" that their dog will not attack a child is kidding themself.

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Its all about people humanising dogs, they are dogs and have their own rules on some things! When will people learn? if you child starts eating poop and sniffing other kids rear ends on first meet you have a big issue to attend to, so don't expect a dog to act like a human (even some so called humans kill their own kids).

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Such gorgeous dogs as well, my favourite and I endeavour to have one one day.


Such a shame. We trust our Labrador far too much around our kids. I can never imagine her hurting anyone as shes so gentle but you can never be so sure.


I may get flamed for this but I think a lot has to do with the owners and not the dogs. Yes some breeds are more susceptible to aggression than others but I do believe its mainly the owner.


It doesn't help that people use dogs as a status symbol like the Staffordshire bull terrier!

Edited by Brooksy789
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