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Its a cracking forum..however could it be better


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Just to confirm....I think this is a cracking forum and it has changed my online routine (and quality of life :lol: ...)


First thing I do when I get 5 mins is to check the site.


While the diverse shooting topics are sometimes worth a read I must confess to sticking to...Talk from the field and sporting pics .


For how many pigeons are shot by members, I am pretty confident that the number of posts concerning pigeon shooting could be improved.

Again please do not take this as a negative towards the site however getting a pic or an update from someone's pigeon...and crows :ninja: shooting experience/ day... really makes my day.. :yes:


so why do members not post.. ???

  • embarrassed at the bag (shots to kill ratio)
  • do not want the negative comments?
  • can't be bothered
  • must be other reasons....

There are the regulars who post weekly..you know who you are..thank you :good::good::good: and keep them coming :yes:





The last 12 months has been an incredible learning curve for me and the info and advice from the forum has been really well received..thank you.. :good:




I do my best Steveg but computers are not my good point. But I will try harder just for you. :good:

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Its probably been the worst Winter for pigeon shooting that I can remember, for whatever reason, the activity in this section reflects that.

There have been a lot of "where are the birds" threads in the last few months.


When things buck up and the birds really start moving, the reports will come in.

It should also be noted that quite a few reports end up in Sporting Pictures, along with the photos.

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I never joined with the intention of bragging, plenty of others on here have already taken that role.

My reason for joining was to listen and learn. After a whilïe you realise who talks sense and who are full of it.


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Personally I don't have much interest in what and how many others shoot so I don't tend to read those posts that much. They are interesting if there are details on where the pigeons are, what they are feeding on, or how and where they shoot, or tips in certain situations, but seeing another pile of pigeons isn't interesting to me.


Plus I'm embarrassed at my small bags.

Don't be embarrassed, we have all suffered this winter!

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Personally I don't have much interest in what and how many others shoot so I don't tend to read those posts that much. They are interesting if there are details on where the pigeons are, what they are feeding on, or how and where they shoot, or tips in certain situations, but seeing another pile of pigeons isn't interesting to me.

Plus I'm embarrassed at my small bags.

Is that called " shower Shyness"

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We had a bumper acorn and ivy harvest this year which I befitted from this winter. I am aware of PW members who are having good bags but do not publicise the fact . This may be due to protecting there own permissions I'm not sure. It may be said that I publicise my results too readily but I hope to show to younger shooters what is achievable with years practice and experience . I will always try to answer any questions on my results as I believe that Pigeon Watch is the forum for pigeon shooters to share their days in the field.

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Just to confirm....I think this is a cracking forum and it has changed my online routine (and quality of life :lol: ...)


First thing I do when I get 5 mins is to check the site.


While the diverse shooting topics are sometimes worth a read I must confess to sticking to...Talk from the field and sporting pics .


For how many pigeons are shot by members, I am pretty confident that the number of posts concerning pigeon shooting could be improved.

Again please do not take this as a negative towards the site however getting a pic or an update from someone's pigeon...and crows :ninja: shooting experience/ day... really makes my day.. :yes:


so why do members not post.. ???

  • embarrassed at the bag (shots to kill ratio)
  • do not want the negative comments?
  • can't be bothered
  • must be other reasons....

There are the regulars who post weekly..you know who you are..thank you :good::good::good: and keep them coming :yes:





The last 12 months has been an incredible learning curve for me and the info and advice from the forum has been really well received..thank you.. :good:



It was a good forum when I joined in 2003..but has rather lost its way in recent years and gone off track with many members using it solely as a means of accessing the off topic section to air their political or anti establishment views in respect of the Police Force, RSPCA, RSPB etc etc.. ( some of the ill conceived posts in recent times wouldn't be acceptable on a social networking site!)


If we could get back to purely a shooting (and other countryside issues) forum it could be even better in my opinion and would possibly encourage some of those original members who have wandered away to return.


Just my opinion of course but I'm sure one of those mentioned above will no doubt castigate me for it....

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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It was a good forum when I joined in 2003..but has rather lost its way in recent years and gone off track with many members using it solely as a means of accessing the off topic section to air their political or anti establishment views in respect of the Police Force, RSPCA, RSPB etc etc.. ( some of the ill conceived posts in recent times wouldn't be acceptable on a social networking site!)


If we could get back to purely a shooting (and other countryside issues) forum it could be even better in my opinion and would possibly encourage some of those original members who have wandered away to return.


Just my opinion of course but I'm sure one of those mentioned above will no doubt castigate me for it....


I think the OP was referring to this specific section, Talk From The Field and the absence of shooting reports.

However, I do agree with you, the rest of the Forum is rubbish and I really wish I wasn't being forced to come here every day and also pay the large annual subscription. :rolleyes:

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I like the site because it covers all levels of experience, its like being on a ladder really , we are all on different rungs,. one or two who have just started are on the bottom rung and there are one or two who are getting towards the top and several of us in between. Nowadays advice is available on sites like this even though it might sound a bit confusing at times because every one have slightly different ideas in doing things, but they all mean to be helpful . As far as putting bags on here ( a ) I haven't got a clue how to do it in the first place and ( b ) I would find it a bit boring keep putting bags of pigeons each time I go .I am lucky ive got the time and the land to go on 3 or 4 times a week if I want to and my bags range from 0 on a bad day to maybe 50 or 60 on a good day , the same size bags as many P W members on here, and I am sure they would get fed up looking at my bags as I would be looking at there bags, still nice to read about a big bag though because I know the amount of work and effort that was used in getting it..............Good luck everyone..

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I like the site because it covers all levels of experience, its like being on a ladder really , we are all on different rungs,. one or two who have just started are on the bottom rung and there are one or two who are getting towards the top and several of us in between. Nowadays advice is available on sites like this even though it might sound a bit confusing at times because every one have slightly different ideas in doing things, but they all mean to be helpful . As far as putting bags on here ( a ) I haven't got a clue how to do it in the first place and ( b ) I would find it a bit boring keep putting bags of pigeons each time I go .I am lucky ive got the time and the land to go on 3 or 4 times a week if I want to and my bags range from 0 on a bad day to maybe 50 or 60 on a good day , the same size bags as many P W members on here, and I am sure they would get fed up looking at my bags as I would be looking at there bags, still nice to read about a big bag though because I know the amount of work and effort that was used in getting it..............Good luck everyone..

It would be nice to get fed up of having to carry 100+ pigeons off the field of play, day after day, though, wouldn't it??

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The site is great as it does bring likeminded people together but I too have come across pigeon shooters who do not participate but enjoy reading what others write. Maybe, like me, they are loners, spending many hours spotting on their travels and then take their chances when they can. The enjoyment for me is fooling a wild bird, making it do what you want it to do and kill humanly. Over the last 30 years I have seen many changes in the pigeon shooting world, and I was privileged to have corresponded with Archie Coats about the changes he had experienced, and this game is still down to one major skill and that is field craft. One of the Majors truest sayings has for me been proved right over and over again, and that is, find the traffic, find where the birds want to be and present a picture that they expect to see. And then compound interest will take over, the more you kill, and the more you put out, then the more you kill! Years ago, as a game dealer, I had access to many thousands of acres of prime ground because I was trusted and shot a great deal of pigeon. As a professional pigeon guide, I had a vast amount of land to shoot over, and if my clients could shoot straight, made many decent bags. And now, for pleasure, after a great deal of door knocking, I am fortunate in having adequate ground to shoot over right on my doorstep and though I would still like the 200+ bags of the past, I am happy making the best of any situation that presents itself. If I do photograph anything during the day it is of the wildlife, the view from the hide or something rather trivial, not a pile of dead birds. Yes, the birds in the photo can be counted to verify the account, but what else does it mean? I would much rather photograph the bird I killed that swerved to follow his pal, that rose and twisted at the same time going at over 40mph, to land dead with a thump 50 yards away! I feel that a write up of my day would involve a more technical aspect of moving decoys around as the wind moved or moving the hide to suit the approach of the birds, not good reading for most people and why I believe more pigeon shooters don’t post.

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I enjoyed reading your post. You have certainly had some excellent sport in the past that's for sure.


I met Archie Coats once. A more typical ex Army Officer you could not imagine. His manner would not go down too well in today's society but he was a keen pigeon shooter and he was at the forefront of the wonderful sport of decoying of that there is no doubt.

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I never joined with the intention of bragging, plenty of others on here have already taken that role.

My reason for joining was to listen and learn. After a whilïe you realise who talks sense and who are full of it.

well I,m going agree with pc, its not about bragging its a shooting forum, I like to put bag pics up if and when I

shoot them, I only found pigeon watch in 2010 and started taking pics of the bags that the old fella and myself shot I never used to take any pics at all of bags in the previous 24 years up to 2010, I just thought ok I found a shooting forum that people put pics on so thought I would do the same

We had a bumper acorn and ivy harvest this year which I befitted from this winter. I am aware of PW members who are having good bags but do not publicise the fact . This may be due to protecting there own permissions I'm not sure. It may be said that I publicise my results too readily but I hope to show to younger shooters what is achievable with years practice and experience . I will always try to answer any questions on my results as I believe that Pigeon Watch is the forum for pigeon shooters to share their days in the field.

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