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Another shaving question...


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Feather blades for me, very sharp. The whole thing about DE shaving is the process and the time.


I change twice a week, but I only shave every other day really.


If you're cutting yourself you are either pushing the razor onto your face, which you shouldn't or it's the angle of the razor.


Good luck, I'll never go back to inferior disposables.

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Although I really like Feather blades and they are scary sharp, when they dull it happens very quickly, typically for me about halfway through the third shave, so I bin after two. With Personnas and Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows, though a tad less sharp, I can get three or four shaves. I've tried 8 or 9 other types but these 3 are my preferred blades.


I get the odd nick, but cold water usually stops it, alum block if not. The number one thing to prevent nicks and soreness is to apply no pressure whatsoever, and never go over skin which doesn't have a layer of lather. Its best to avoid against the grain passes if you are prone to soreness and nicks, at least until your technique improves.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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I've got two cut throats - left to me by the Mum-in-law who was in turn left them by her barber Dad. They've not shaved anything for 30 years and are simply beautiful pieces of kit, but whenever I'm tempted I end up putting them down and reaching for the gillette.


I know I'm not exactly an oil painting, but I'd really like a close shave as opposed to just removing the flesh from my face :o


I do have a DE razor that was my Grandad's so perhaps I'll start with that? Any other recommended blades other than feather?

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I've got two cut throats - left to me by the Mum-in-law who was in turn left them by her barber Dad. They've not shaved anything for 30 years and are simply beautiful pieces of kit, but whenever I'm tempted I end up putting them down and reaching for the gillette.


I know I'm not exactly an oil painting, but I'd really like a close shave as opposed to just removing the flesh from my face :o


I do have a DE razor that was my Grandad's so perhaps I'll start with that? Any other recommended blades other than feather?

I started with Derby blades, but cut myself more than I do with feathers. Get some decent soap, a good brush and get your face hot before shaving.


I'd go straight for feathers, just take your time, don't push, don't 'bit by bit' shave, nice long sweeps, and whatever you do, don't 'scoop' under your nostrils, you'll need a blood transfusion.


Mods, there is a great shaving topic somewhere, this would merge lovely.

Edited by kyska
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Cheers fellas, I'm using feather blades and yes too much pressure or being in a hurry and having a sideways slide has resulted in a few cuts. Tried Shark blades but they felt blunt from the start.


Now getting into the habit of having two quick passes with the lather still on the brush and that seems to work. I shave every day and every after about four days I reckon the blade needs changed but being a miserable Scot I wondered whether I was premature with that, it would seem not.

and whatever you do, don't 'scoop' under your nostrils, you'll need a blood transfusion.


LOL, thanks for the advice but you're too late!

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I agree that feathers are very sharp, but they all so blunt very quickly.

If I get three shaves out of a blade I'm doing well I normally change after two.

After your shave try turning the blade see if this helps

Doesn't work for me, turning the blade, but tbh I get them in bulk online so it matters not, you must have a harsh beard for a feather to blunt so quickly, wire brushed faced I imagine.

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Gillette sharpedge (yellow pack) two shaves then bin 'em...they always shave smoother for the second shave.

Permasharp up to five shaves but usually stop at four.

Japanese Feathers two shaves.

Polsilver four shaves...similar to the Permasharps


We all like different blades and find they perform differently for each of us.....I hate Derbys and Lasers from Wilkies......both rubbish in my opinion, can't use either.


Don't press on with a DE razor, the technique is different to using a cartridge razor, Its about gradual whisker reduction, NOT about trying to remove the lot down to supersmooth in one pass........Enjoy the ritual and when you have it mastered the end result is superior to a cartridge razor shave.....and your skin will look and feel better


Join up on TSR ( The Shaving Room) an English forum with lots of useful advice, and generally a great bunch of guys..and a few gals as well....


My favourite razor?.....a 1940's seven o'clock open comb...I have lots of razors, many of them new and very expensive...but the old 7 o'clock is my go to razor..very rarely use the others.....

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i was walking through my town the other day and saw we now have a barbers shop doing cut throat shaves, i dont know if i would be comfortable trying it. :lol:



i was walking through my town the other day and saw we now have a barbers shop doing cut throat shaves, i dont know if i would be comfortable trying it. :lol:

Only ever had one, Many years ago mate, its a bit disconcerting when you lay your throat back, Made me think of the Demon Barbour. :lol:

Never wanted to do it since ?. I wonder why. :whistling:

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I started with Derby blades, but cut myself more than I do with feathers. Get some decent soap, a good brush and get your face hot before shaving.


I'd go straight for feathers, just take your time, don't push, don't 'bit by bit' shave, nice long sweeps, and whatever you do, don't 'scoop' under your nostrils, you'll need a blood transfusion.


Mods, there is a great shaving topic somewhere, this would merge lovely.

Thanks Kyska - I feel encouraged enough to at least have a couple of weeks at it!

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If you're new to the DE game, you'd not go far wrong than to buy a sampler pack of blades and try each one. Blades are not all the same - the angle of the grind differs, as does the quality and thickness of the steel, along with your skin and your stubble. You may well find that what works great for you is terrible for me and vice versa.


I started with something like http://www.amazon.co.uk/Derby-Double-Safety-Blades-Sampler/dp/B008AIY0FK/ref=aag_m_pw_dp?ie=UTF8&m=AZ9XBB8YKVAWV and worked my through them, noting what handled my chin and head and what really didn't work or blunted too quickly.


Technique is important too - very shallow cutting in comparison with a safety razor - very shallow angle of attack and you'll rarely cut yourself once you get the gist. A bit like sharpening a knife - it gets easier, faster and better with practise. Very little pressure on the razor too - it should be gliding over your skin feeling as though the blade is doing very little. Most people coming from disposables or safeties press the head into the skin and then stare in horror at the rivers of blood pouring down their necks.

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I bought a selection of 25 different blades and marked them on how many passes needed, whether they nicked my face and how they performed on a second and third shave.


The blades best suited to my face seem to be the Super Max Blue Diamond. Sorts the face in 3 passes, no nicks and good a second time round. However, it's £3.75 for 50 blades (or £13 for 600 if you like) so I change the blade each time I use it. Still saving bundles compared to using cartridge junk (which I admit to using on a very rare occasion when speed is of the essence).

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