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So after breaking my last pair of reading specs, decided to go to Spec savers to have a new eye test, only because they are the nearest. Not normally not a mug but got talked into 2 for 1 ******** and ordered them.


Called in today to "have them fitted" and the operative? shoved a sheet in front of eyes and said " can you read this ?" Well, yes I could but got home and looked on my pc and couldn't see ****all. Couldn't even read the paper.


Phoned them back to complain and was told " I didn't order specs for pc and if reading the book or paper it shouldn't be no more than 20" from my face".


***. Been wearing glasses for 14 years for reading and never heard such ********.


Can't wait to see them tomorrow, not in a happy place today.

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What branch is it?


I know the manager at my local branch. See how you get on and if you get hassle I'll have a word with my friend and see what she says and who to speak to..


Prob is with these big companies it's very store related very vary so much.

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My most recent pair are ****. I've been back and have been told that there is nothing wrong with them. Yet I know they're different.


I'm going to a proper optician next time. They also told me my hearing is perfect. That's rubbish too - according to my doctor!

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I had problems with varifocals prescribed by a junior optician at my local Specsavers.


I made a complaint, was seen by the senior optician who agreed that my glasses had been mis-diagnosed due to my eyes being " not normal" (different at night) which had not been noticed by his junior and I was given a totally free replacement two pairs of glasses.


Can't say fairer than that. But, beware, Specsavers are a franchise, different branches may vary and you can't ask one branch to put right another's faults.

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My misses, had a good experience too.

Called her in for a test, she went back and said she had pressure behind her eyes, she came out, asked her to go back in AGAIN, she came out, then they discovered they had the wrong women???... She went to boots to get the perscription filled, I don`t blame her...

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The look of horror on the spec saver lasses face when I went outside complete with the iron goggles,to stare at the distant trees was a picture ,.Be very careful as they think you only want to stare across a room.One 94 year old chap was prescibed variafocals to drive in..... from Auntie.

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Just last year i had my eye's tested ( not at spec savers ) and was told they had not altered since my last test, and way i needed new glasses so got one pair for reading and another pair for the computer with different frames so i know them apart..

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I have used specsavers in Hertford for about 15 years now and havent got a bad word to say about them. Went in on Friday to get some new glasses come out £260.00 lighter but with a new pair of specs with ultrathin lenses (£90) and a pair of free sunglasses on the 2 for 1 deal. I use them for contact lenses and glasses and to be honest only issue I have ever had is the contact lens lot which is obviously a national thing not at shop level, but the shop refunded me all my money after I carried on getting contacts even though i cancelled the monthly deliveries.


My mrs chops and changes between opticians and her last visit to vision express was a lot more expensive and only got one pair of glasses, as for independents the one i used when I was a child were ripping my mum off something terrible and we only realised this when we went to spec savers and they applied all the NHS discounts plus the deals they do for kids if the parents use them.

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What branch is it?


I know the manager at my local branch. See how you get on and if you get hassle I'll have a word with my friend and see what she says and who to speak to..


Prob is with these big companies it's very store related very vary so much.

Thanks, went back yesterday and apparently I have 3 prescriptions for each eye? She said I need varifocals which will do all 3. The one's I have are only for close reading 40cm or less. Who the **** reads this close. Well, cost me a further £109 for the varifocals. We shall see [ or not ] next week when I pick them up. :sad1: Only doing one pair first to see if they are ok.


I think the bogof deals are good but it's the add on's the make them expensive if you have them.


Why didn't the optician explain this to me. To be fair I have used them before without problems.


No wonder I can't hit them clays at more than 30 yards. Any excuse.

Edited by lexikia
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You get what you pay for in life.


If you have bog-standard eyes, so a bit short or long sighted, then go a cheap & cheerful outfit, or simply buy the ready to wear specs from the petrol station, etc.


If you have something a bit more tricky then pay a little bit more and go to a proper optician and stick to it, as they will monitor the long term changes to your vision. I find my local one, which I have used for twenty years, will price match the likes of Spec Savers, so I get a thorough eye test every year, cross-checked each time to my historical tests, and good-priced specs when I update frames or lenses.

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You get what you pay for in life.


If you have bog-standard eyes, so a bit short or long sighted, then go a cheap & cheerful outfit, or simply buy the ready to wear specs from the petrol station, etc.


If you have something a bit more tricky then pay a little bit more and go to a proper optician and stick to it, as they will monitor the long term changes to your vision. I find my local one, which I have used for twenty years, will price match the likes of Spec Savers, so I get a thorough eye test every year, cross-checked each time to my historical tests, and good-priced specs when I update frames or lenses.

That worry's me, " proper optician" Surely Specsavers use qualified opticians?

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I had trouble with my varifocal's from Spec Savers, I had to go back for a second eye test as I couldent see out of the first pair and I was talked into up-grading, so I we for the most expensive ones, They are still useless, I wont go back, as has been said cheap and cheerfull, I will go to a proper optician next time. :no:

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You get what you pay for in life.


If you have bog-standard eyes, so a bit short or long sighted, then go a cheap & cheerful outfit, or simply buy the ready to wear specs from the petrol station, etc.


If you have something a bit more tricky then pay a little bit more and go to a proper optician and stick to it, as they will monitor the long term changes to your vision. I find my local one, which I have used for twenty years, will price match the likes of Spec Savers, so I get a thorough eye test every year, cross-checked each time to my historical tests, and good-priced specs when I update frames or lenses.



That worry's me, " proper optician" Surely Specsavers use qualified opticians?


See my opening statement: you get what you pay for!


Do you want minimum wage, newly qualified? Or, long-standing company with access to previous years' records and time an inclination to look into potential problems.


I can only speak from experience - I have worn specs for 39 years (God, that makes me feel old) and think I know good service and qualified professionals when I meet them. The spotty teenagers in Spec Savers in Bluewater, for example, don't instil enough confidence to buy a lens cleaners, never mind complicated prescription specs...

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See my opening statement: you get what you pay for!


Do you want minimum wage, newly qualified? Or, long-standing company with access to previous years' records and time an inclination to look into potential problems.


I can only speak from experience - I have worn specs for 39 years (God, that makes me feel old) and think I know good service and qualified professionals when I meet them. The spotty teenagers in Spec Savers in Bluewater, for example, don't instil enough confidence to buy a lens cleaners, never mind complicated prescription specs...

I know what you mean but don't know any old school opticians, only needed reading specs, but I know my eyes are getting worse and I need a stronger prescription. Not rich but money's not a problem now kids left home, so not sure what is cheap and what is not, didn't think £290 was cheap. Probably got ripped off, but if the specs are no good I will expect a refund.

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