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How Many

Terry P

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Just a quick question. How many wildfowlers have voted in the BASC elections. I have as I believe we can only get change with fair and equal treatment if we get more true wildfowlers on the council.

So if you have not, do so now and get your mates to do the same, it only takes a couple of minutes, that's far less than most of us spend on here moaning about BASC.

Its upto us to make the effort, I have done, I hope you will too

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330 views and only 8 votes, no wonder BASC ignore wildfowlers, I'm sure more have voted, but if you have not please do, as Riptide has mentioned in the GL thread, wildfowlers need to be heard and the only way to do that is vote real wildfowlers onto council.

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Excellent! If the other 7,000 or so fowlers who usually can`t be bothered to vote actually did so, then fowlers could re-apply the stranglehold that they should have on BASC.


I would respectfully suggest that the current greylag/GL/BASC fiasco has nothing to do with the imagined shortcomings of BASC, and everything to do with the fact that the majority of fowlers are politically lazy and short sighted.


I sincerely hope that all those who have been so critical of BASC on other threads, actually took the time to vote in both previous, and the current BASC Council elections.

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