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I think LinkedIn is a really good tool and i believe that it will become ever more prominent too. At it's most simple level it is an online CV and for many people that is all it needs to be, but if used fully it is a hugely valuable resource.

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I'm on LinkedIn, although the benefits for me have been fairly limited at the moment as I'm still a student. However, I have connections with a few people on there and it has links to my professional website and so on so it serves as a good way to advertise myself. Part of my course is to establish a professional presence before we finish the degree hence already having a website, LinkedIn and so on.

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Basically an online CV.


What he said.


Go for it...very useful imo. Just been head hunted into a senior executive position through linked in. Increased my salary by 20% and even more responsibility.. would never have known about it without it.


And he said.


Whether it's a viable tool for much else remains to be seen.

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No one gets work from LinkedIn but you will get job offers - it's a free trawl for recruitment consultants around the planet.


Most of the people I know who gush on about LinkedIn are in sales or are brainwashed by their bosses into following the "marketing by numbers" approach to business development - at the last firm I was at they forced the newbies to join LinkedIn and go to those entirely useless BNI events where a room full of salesmen were busily trying to sell to other salesmen or juniors who had no need or power to "buy" whatever it was or in any event.


The decision makers with the power and authority to "buy" (be that any product or service) are far too busy to attend seminars, forced networking jamborees or other such nonsense.


Agreed, many businesses will attend a bit of everything as a matter of course just to get their name out there as discreet / background marketing but it's time consuming, can't be measured and is expensive.


If I need to buy a product or a service I'll always phone someone in the know for a recommendation.

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Funny you should say that. I get invited to these BNI things regularly and a funny look often comes into the person's eye akin to that of a zealot. They usually say something like "our chapter (chapter?...who are they, Hell's Angels?) is different blah blah," which says something about the organisation if the first thing out of someone's mouth is a justification.


Nowadays recruitment consultants (those in specialist fields as opposed to 'high street' types) spend 80% of their time chasing people on LinkedIn, along with the 1000s of other recruiters all doing the same thing.


Good news for candidates, Mike being an example.

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