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Yes, the A Bolt is a nice rifle.


In Medallion form with a high gloss well grained wooden stock it really looks the part and in Stainless Synthetic is as good a tool as you will find from any manufacturer.


Price wise search around as there are some good discounts to be found.


The 60 degree bolt is nice to work and is usually very smooth so quick second shots are easy. The fit and finish of the metalwork is as good as any of the the none custom makers and you will not be disappointed even if you have a critical eye. The synthetic stocks are pleasant to the touch in both warm and cold weather - something a lot of makers find difficult to offer - and fit surprisingly well although any stock would benefit form a bedding job.


The only suggestion that I would make is also look at the 223WSSM round - Browning cover that in all models - as it is marginally superior to the 22-250 in all aspects. It is not the barrel burner so many suggested it would be and will prove to be an excellent choice should you go down that particular road.


I have now tried the 223, 243, and the 25WSSM and am convinced that they are better than the equivalent conventional rounds we all tend to choose. My 25WSSM is shooting more accurately at 600yds than my 25-06 and at the usual 150-250 yds really is a cracker. Another aspect I am finding with both the WSSM and WSM range of cartridges is their ability to cover a wider range of bullet weights well which makes whatever you choose that little more adaptable. For all WSSMs the recoil is less than the equivalent round calibre chosen, despite better performance, so aiding strike picture and although you need to reload to cover the otherwise high cost of factory ammo the WSSM range has far more going for them than against. Take a closer look.


If you need more detail or guidence on other makers by all means pm me.

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