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I am not endorsing people breaking the law this includes myself. One of the points I made was "I did not give a rats *** for legal limits" and I still don't, however I do abide by the law and always will. It doesn't change the fact the legal gun users are being driven into a corner and being made to suffer the consequences of the law breakers of this country. The government needs to show the people they are taking a hard stance on gun control and the easiest way to do this is target the people whom they know own rifles etc. I do not believe one new law has changed the illegal firearms use in this country. It doesn't change my opinion of the dogooders like the pillock who starts quoting drink driving, what he should have done first is taken an english lesson and re read my post




As you can see the topic as titled has had more views than any I can see but this was not an issue for the forum moderator I was harrased by 1 to 5 with offensive e-mail yet he complained to the moderator and I was barred from the forum. So much for innocent till proven guilty.

Anyway I had good chats with some of the members sadly the moderator is a moron. I will be barred from this forum as frank555 very soon but I will be back see you all soon


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Right frank555 first lets get a couple of points clear.


As the moderator i have received no complaints from 1 to 5 about you or from anybody else.

Secondly i have no power to ban you from this forum, only the administrator can do that. and thirdly, i object to a **** like you calling me a moron when you don,t know me or have never had any dealings with me.


Unless you have something constructive to contribute to the forum in a civilised and polite way i suggest you remain silent because although i can,t ban you, i can remove your posts as fast as they appear.


Ernyha (moderator)

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