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eye dominance

andrew f

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Very simple test, at arms length point your finger at a corner in the ceiling focusing on the corner not your finger with both eyes open. Close your left eye, then close your right eye. If when you close your left eye your finger moves to the left you are left eye dominance and visa versa. If it moves much the same for both eys then you are lucky and don't have any dominance.


That is quite incredible. Such a difference in point of aim Thank you for that advice.

I learned to shoot full bore with both eyes open, to good effect, in my reckoning. I was assessed by a shotgun coach many years ago who said "close your left eye", but it seemed unnatural; I want to keep both eyes open still.

I ignored that advice and that is why I still struggle to shoot as well with a shotgun as a rifle, probably. The advice above has convinced me to toe the line. Or at least to squint through my left.

Does the anecdotal evidence above suggest that we should all buy left handed shotguns? (tin-hat on)

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That is quite incredible. Such a difference in point of aim Thank you for that advice.

I learned to shoot full bore with both eyes open, to good effect, in my reckoning. I was assessed by a shotgun coach many years ago who said "close your left eye", but it seemed unnatural; I want to keep both eyes open still.

I ignored that advice and that is why I still struggle to shoot as well with a shotgun as a rifle, probably. The advice above has convinced me to toe the line. Or at least to squint through my left.

Does the anecdotal evidence above suggest that we should all buy left handed shotguns? (tin-hat on)

I was told to shoot left handed many years ago by a coach. I tried it for a complete season on game. I just couldn't get used to it so reverted to closing left eye just before I pull. I'm still not a brilliant shot but I get by. I also use a magic bead on my most used gun.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have an eye dominance issue. I get over it by using a pair of shooting glasses and have a small amount of opaque tape (the size of your thumb nail) over the centre / top of my left hand lens.

I can see unimpeded through both eyes until I put my head down on the stock and at this point my left eye is taken out / distracted by the tape.

I tried blacking out the whole lens with electrical tape but this is very tiring on the eye and unnecessary. It also cuts down your field of vision.



Totally agreee, the best solution in my experience! I use half inch of selotape over the centre of my right eye and it works for this leftie!

I mean my glasses!

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  • 5 weeks later...

big big issue. im right eyed domient but when im shooting my left eye try,s to take over

ive been taught by two different instructors and one says close your left eye or give more lead on right to left birds

the other told me not to close my left eye but just see whet lead works

some times i shoot well and other times i cant hit ****

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big big issue. im right eyed domient but when im shooting my left eye try,s to take over

ive been taught by two different instructors and one says close your left eye or give more lead on right to left birds

the other told me not to close my left eye but just see whet lead works

some times i shoot well and other times i cant hit ****



WHY is your left eye taking over ? Have you checked your gun mount using a mirror ? I have recently encountered 2 experienced shooters who were suffering the same problem as yourself. Unknowingly, they were BOTH dropping their head down to the stock. This was causing their right eye to look at the breech/top lever, which in turn caused the left eye to take over. They have both been practising their gun mounting at home and in both cases their shooting is now back to normal. Suggest that maybe you should buy some cheap shooting glasses, Napier do some at £20 which are excellent, get someone to stick a small piece of opaque surgical tape over the middle of the left lens, whilst you are looking down the gun. Keep the glasses in your pocket or bag when shooting and if you feel the need, wear them and see if things improve. But check your eye over rib on gun FIRST.

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Seriously easier to shoot off the shoulder that matches your dominant eye! No tape no daft beads, just awfully limited gun choice if your dominant eye is your left!

left eye dominant and shoot from the right shoulder, as already said I pick up the clay or clays if its a simultaneous pair both eyes open

close left eye when mounting, regularly shoot 23 24 the odd straight on skeet practice and 80s early 90s on sporting

but pigeon shooting I chop and change half the time I just mount swing and shoot by looking at the bird at all times and don,t notice the barrel at all and let instinct take over, if its a really long shot then I close left eye and measure lead, tried shooting left handed for a bit of fun and can honestly say I may as well just throw cartridges at the clays I would probabley hit more

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks mate what you said makes sense and might be why sometimes the gun seems alien in my hands

when pigeon shooting with a mask and cap on i was seeing all the top of the gun sounds mad and i couldnt belive it myself

i was still killing them but think it was just experence and instinced taking over when i got rid of the mask i was back to normal-ish

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