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rspb and m&s

novice cushie shooter

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Does anyone know what the outcome of the death of the Red Kites & Buzzards on the Black Isle.

The deaths and investigation went very quite, last I heard, it was suspected that one of the RSPB feeding stations may have used a sheep carcass that had died from an ilness.

At the time they were very quick to point fingers at the loacl land owners.


Just found this on the web, so it would appear that the rumour I heard was not true.


"Police Scotland have confirmed in a statement that the deaths of the buzzards and red kites in the Black Isle earlier this year were in fact due to banned poisons. The statement has dismissed widely-circulated rumours spread online that the investigation had found that the bird deaths connected with the RSPB’s Red Kite feeding station at Tollie."

Edited by big bad lindz
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