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A Sad Day


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Today the time come to say goodbye to my springer bitch (taz) after nearly 14 years


She,s been a great gundog , companion and pet and will be missed so much, its so strange not having her around already the house feels so empty but i know it was the right thing to do and she,s now pain free and in her favorite spot in the garden


I know some will say its just a dog, but she was so much more to me and has been by my side no matter what


Thanks fruity





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Sorry for you loss sad sad day. We lost one of ours 2 years ago and my wife used to be scared of dogs and it broke my wife's heart when Molly passed and I am man enough to say I sobbed when I lost her I think all of us on PW share the same love, care and respect when we here sad news of this sort.

All the very best mike

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Anyone that hasn't had a dog won't understand, even cat people don't get the strong bond that man has with his most trusted companion and partner in the field. They are, without doubt, part of the family. I feel for your loss, but take some comfort in the knowledge that you gave that young pup the love, training and kinship of a good human throughout its life. Every dog deserves the same.

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