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New Sitcom - BBC4 " Detectorists"


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I used to work with the chap on the right, his name is Paul Macartney, he's an actor (Has a different surname for a stage name) and if you remember the old churchill ad's he was in the car driving whilst talking to the nodding dog a few times and does other bits, but in his spare time used to be a sales temp for me on my conferences. Nice chap.


I like that, always nice to hear these people are normal good blokes.




I thought it were really good and refreshing to have a comedy without canned laughter. I hope the Beeb make another series.


I've read that series 2 has been given the green light :good:

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Excellent! :good:


I liked the farmer who was searching for his invisible dogs (this might be lost on those who havent seen the series).

He was an excellent character, those invisible dogs cracked me up and I actually got a lump in my throat at the end when he turned up with a couple of living dogs!

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i have been metal detecting for quite a few years now.........em we are like that :lol: it has been well written. there is more junk than the good stuff and its amazing the stuff farmers leave in the fields . the old shotgun cartridges give an amazing signal very much like a coin. mind i have never had a nice looking young lady come upto me in the field :whistling: ..........yet

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i have been metal detecting for quite a few years now.........em we are like that :lol: it has been well written. there is more junk than the good stuff and its amazing the stuff farmers leave in the fields . the old shotgun cartridges give an amazing signal very much like a coin. mind i have never had a nice looking young lady come upto me in the field :whistling: ..........yet


Two friends of mine are avid detectorists and have found lots of interesting stuff like roman coins-both silver and gold.


One of them though had an odd day though while in the middle of a field when an Apache helicopter came over low and kept circling him about 50ft off the ground for couple of minutes. He filmed the whole thing on his phone so i know the story wasnt bull and our thought was that choppers radar might have deemed his metal detector as a potential threat.

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  • 11 months later...

I dabble with a metal detector and have had some success. Work strictly on my own - Like most of my shooting.

There is a club that searches over my shoot land. Lads and a couple of 30ish lasses. All nice types that I have talked to.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first series.

Off beat sort of humour.

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I've encountered " Night Hawks" when I've been long netting on my own. It can be fun as they think they are the only people about at that time.

hello, did you not dial 101 as in the thames valley it is regarded as a crime that is to say anyone detecting on private land without permission if day or night. i have been detecting over 20 years and although not as prevalent as a few years ago night hawking was common and many hoards and artifacts were stolen from around the UK that were treasure trove and the landowners did not get the 50% of the value and should have gone to many museums for the history of the area. if there was a legitimate find security had to be used as was not uncommon for night hawkers to try and plunder the area, i know of one gang who went out across the ridgeway from swindon to london and some of these were respected club members. anyway from what i read and hear it is not so much done these days and many farmers stopped allowing detecting for individuals and found having a club dig more beneficial getting around a tenner per person, now it is a cash cow for some private club owners charging £20/£25 a day with 100/150 detecters or a 3 day event with over 1.000. saying that many charities benefit to so all is not lost. i still go on occasions if it is a nice day on private land with permission, dont do clubs or rallies as rather spend on my fishing or shooting but it does give you a buzz when your detector give a good signal only to find a cartridge top or ring pull :lol: but hey thats the way it goes sometimes and looking at the first series of the detectors that chap did to on this well written well cast funny beeb show and i shall watch the 2nd series hoping they might struck gold as i think this ones a classic.

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hello, did you not dial 101 as in the thames valley it is regarded as a crime that is to say anyone detecting on private land without permission if day or night. i have been detecting over 20 years and although not as prevalent as a few years ago night hawking was common and many hoards and artifacts were stolen from around the UK that were treasure trove and the landowners did not get the 50% of the value and should have gone to many museums for the history of the area. if there was a legitimate find security had to be used as was not uncommon for night hawkers to try and plunder the area, i know of one gang who went out across the ridgeway from swindon to london and some of these were respected club members. anyway from what i read and hear it is not so much done these days and many farmers stopped allowing detecting for individuals and found having a club dig more beneficial getting around a tenner per person, now it is a cash cow for some private club owners charging £20/£25 a day with 100/150 detecters or a 3 day event with over 1.000. saying that many charities benefit to so all is not lost. i still go on occasions if it is a nice day on private land with permission, dont do clubs or rallies as rather spend on my fishing or shooting but it does give you a buzz when your detector give a good signal only to find a cartridge top or ring pull :lol: but hey thats the way it goes sometimes and looking at the first series of the detectors that chap did to on this well written well cast funny beeb show and i shall watch the 2nd series hoping they might struck gold as i think this ones a classic.

hello,i watched this last night and was excellent, now are we expecting that hidden treasure shown on the front titles to be found. ?????

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