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David Cameron - pigeon shooter


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If he is, I hope he reads this


David grow some balls you're a complete bell end

Care to quantify your comment?


What would you do differently? He is far from perfect and whilst i agree with a number of points on limiting immigration etc, what some on here fail to realise is that you cannot simply wake up one day and think" i'll cut down on immigration today.


He is shackled by a lot more than we are and is attacked on all sides on any decision he makes, same for all politicians,

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I take it all back he's not a bad lad afterall,he must have some grass roots understanding about how the countryside ticks but maybe he's not allowed put it into practice.

It's a juggling act if he came out an avid field sports enthusiast then sadly he would loose a chunk of votes so far better off to keep it quiet but work as an insider to help them. His deer stalking is well known and what I also like about him is he is already loaded. To my mind that means he is not doing it to feather his own nest like Bliar and most. Considering what's gone on in the world economy and what state the country was in when he took over I actually don't think he has done too bad.

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Cameron is OK, not perfect but who is? But he comes across as genuinely trying to do the right thing for the country, even if he stumbles and gets stuff wrong from time to time. I have a sneaking suspicion that running the country and dealing with the myriad of difficulties and challenges involved is just a teeny weeny bit more difficult and stressful than the expert political strategists on PW :rolleyes: might have you believe.




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Cameron is OK, not perfect but who is? But he comes across as genuinely trying to do the right thing for the country, even if he stumbles and gets stuff wrong from time to time. I have a sneaking suspicion that running the country and dealing with the myriad of difficulties and challenges involved is just a teeny weeny bit more difficult and stressful than the expert political strategists on PW :rolleyes: might have you believe.




i expect he's told what do do by the money men that really run the gaf

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It's a juggling act if he came out an avid field sports enthusiast then sadly he would loose a chunk of votes so far better off to keep it quiet but work as an insider to help them. His deer stalking is well known and what I also like about him is he is already loaded. To my mind that means he is not doing it to feather his own nest like Bliar and most. Considering what's gone on in the world economy and what state the country was in when he took over I actually don't think he has done too bad.

this is the problem with politicians, I would happily vote for one who would just say it like it is and stuff the consequences,

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And I hope he had written permission from the land owner on his person?

Why? There is no requirement to have permission "in writing" or to carry it on your person :no: I doubt the prime minister is just going to shoot in any old field or wood he fancies without permission?

Edited by Blunderbuss
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