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DATE: TUESDAY 20/01/15
COST: £292.50

A last minute "drop out" means we have one gun to place! These days are available in Shropshire for a team of up to 9 guns. Shooting will consist of about 6 mixed Pheasant and Partridge drives. Duck will not be shot. Typically there will be four drives in the morning and two in the afternoon. Some refreshments will be provided but guns are requested to bring their own lunch.
About the Shoot
This will be the fifth year we have been back to shoot. The shoot has been reviewed in the Shooting Times and more recently in the FIELD magazine as a top 100 bird shoot. More details are available on request.
The Bag, Overage & Underage


Days are sold with estimated bag sizes which are meant to reflect the level of sport available rather than a guarantee of numbers killed! Consequently there are no ‘overages’, with no additional charge should the estimated bag be exceeded, or reduction should it not be reached, provided that the Shoot Manager is satisfied sufficient sport has been provided.



All guns must hold a current shotgun certificate and carry third party liability up to a level of £5,000,000. Membership of BASC/ Countryside Alliance would cover this. It is my responsibility to ensure that this is in place, so please supply evidence when paying your deposit.

Basic Itinerary and shoot protocol

More details available on request


Warm regards
This day has been run for several years now and its popularity means days
are quickly taken. So please confirm your interest a.s.a.p.


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