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The film Zulu has it got a place in 2014


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Of course it has it's place, the remastered version is great. It's my young son's joint favourite film, alongside Waterloo with Rod Steiger and Christopher Plummer.


We used to have a very noble gent called Chard who used to grace these pages.


Noble? Chard? Yeah right. The rose tinted specs of history may be affecting you there buddy :lol:

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The problem is all of these films and TV programs was made in the Briton of pree 1970 when for the most part there was not many black brown or any other colour faces to be found except for in some large towns so we was taught in school history from a British/white perspective the only foreiner that I came across when I was young was Welsh or Scotish or even someone from up North every once in a while an Arab man would come around selling rugs but that was it.


Today things are quite different we have people living here from all over the world and all now British I am not saying that this is good or bad just that is the way that things are its just a different country to the one that I was raised in and it makes everything much more complicated and even what does it mean to be British.

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I have set this to record to check out some mistakes that I had not noticed the previous 3-4 times I watched it.

It has come to my attention that some Fellows at the back appeared to be wielding Enfield rifles and some were visibly pretending to work the bolts,Enfield fashion even though Martini's were Falling block actions with the lever under the action.

Also it seems they were firing smokeless powder twenty years before it was invented.


If the film was to be remade today,we would probably be informed that a SEAL team actualy defended the station.

I wonder which American actors would be the main players.


You'll also see them using Magazine Lee Enfields in the bit where the soldiers form two ranks to drive the Zulus back from a breech in the rampart. This is because they ran out of blank ammunition for the Martini Henrys at one point and so had to use MLEs with smokeless .303 blank. The revolvers in the film are also incorrect for the period.


Someone also mentioned CSgt Bourne wearing his medals - there are a few strange things about the uniforms in the film, really basic things which is odd given that it was not made long after National Service had finished so many of teh cast and crew would have served. For example, CSgt Bourne wears an incorrect rank badge on the wrong arm. He has three white chevrons, whereas he should have had 3 gold chevrons and a pair of crossed flags surmounted with a crown.

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I like Zulu......whether it has a place in 2014/5 is a matter of opinion. It depicts a historical event as does Ashandawa (spelling) when around 1500 British soldiers were killed by Zulus. Which would be more PC to show, Zulu or Zulu Dawn.


Anyhoos Mrs S cannot abide Zulu............(hahah I have it on dvd).


Stop frowing those spears at me !!!

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The Welsh, brave fighting troops
















....particularly when officered by white men


The joke is that my father was drinking in the Hay-on-Wye British Legion with a number of locals when an old English sweat joined the party whilst they were discussing "Zulu".


At the first part of the above quote, the Welsh chests swelled with pride, and after the second, I believe that the speaker just escaped with his life.

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I think some may like to read up on Shaka and the ethnic cleansing by his imperialist Zulu tribe of their fellow Nguni peoples and others.


Regimental song wasnt men of harlech until after the battle. Hook wasnt a drunkard. And how was it ethnic cleansing?probably the silliest comment on here in 2014. Do some research please.

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The film Zulu has it got a place in 2014


You can ask that about vast numbers of films, and not just from this country.


Frankly, I don't get the point of the question, do you want to ask the same about the Snowman as well, after all we are perpetuating a myth and conning the next generation!



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Good film!i dont believe its rascist at all.and yes i believe it would have been made today as its an epic story of bravery in the field.would be good if they remade it but im sure theyd put a lefty liberal apologetic slant on it making the british out to be barbarians.although fictional they did remake the four feathers about 10 years ago and was that rascist..nope.just a brilliant story worth telling.think ill have to get a brew going and watch it this afternoon now!

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