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Air Rifle For FAC Use?


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Main problem I found with the MK1 was the bottle seals other that that I had no trouble what so ever ;)



Not had a problem with that, I give it a wipe with some sg3 whenever the bottle comes off and so far it has been fine, fingers crossed it wont happen in the middle of a field :D


I think the biggest mistake logun made with the s16 was advertising that you can fire all 16 shots in something like 12 seconds, including changing the mag over.




See if you can find a rifle thats already been tuned to the fac levels that you want, you may be able to save some money due to the restrictions on them, it's a lot of bother to have an fac air rifle de-tuned and have it removed from a ticket, a general view from the police is once a firearm always a firearm, so most get sold as fac and seeing as most people are limited on there ticket (one each of each caliber for day and one each for night if lucky) there are not so many buyers so the price can reflects this.

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High power can enable pretty long range crow/rabbit shots


It is not about extra distance it is about a flatter trajectory.

Yes, an FAC rifle will give you more distance but not as much as you think.

12lb=45yds (realistically a max distance)I would say 35yds though



There are going to be people who challenge these figures, and no I don't have an FAC airgun I am just going by information that I have recieved from reliable and trustworthy sources.


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you dont want anything over 30 in an air rifle they are too hard to silence.i regularly kill at 60 to 70 yds with my 400 xtra,and i have bought a hw100 set at 26 so that means it wil be 24.silence is my priority.anything over 30 is just silly,buy a rimmy

Yeah but as he says he can't use a rimmy, so a high powered air rifle is best. Plus its always nice to have an air rifle capable of 60ftlbs+, it doesn't mean you have to use it at that ftlbs, but if you need to you can just dial it up via the valve or down if appropriate.

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Not had a problem with that, I give it a wipe with some sg3 whenever the bottle comes off and so far it has been fine, fingers crossed it wont happen in the middle of a field :D


I think the biggest mistake logun made with the s16 was advertising that you can fire all 16 shots in something like 12 seconds, including changing the mag over.




:D Totally agree with above ;)


Any one done a S16's Mk2 to FAC spec and if so what Flb did you get and what gunsmith did it :lol:??

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High power can enable pretty long range crow/rabbit shots


It is not about extra distance it is about a flatter trajectory.

Yes, an FAC rifle will give you more distance but not as much as you think.

12lb=45yds (realistically a max distance)I would say 35yds though



There are going to be people who challenge these figures, and no I don't have an FAC airgun I am just going by information that I have recieved from reliable and trustworthy sources.



35 Yards? The max distance realistically to shoot a 12ft/lb air is what you feel confident shooting at, and you can successfully get groups of about an inch. I know for a fact that I can get groups a little within the size of a 50p piece spinner target at the ranges at 60yards but that doesn't mean I would feel confident enough taking a rabbit at that range. I would however be more than confident taking one at 45-50yrds (assuming the wind was very calm). ;)


Max distance is all about confidence and the skill of the shooter (also bringing weather into the equation aswell). It is upto the shooter to be 100% of an instant kill before taking the shot and it is irresponsible if you take a shot at live quarry without being certain that the shot is within your skill. I would never do this. People who do, have no respect for their quarry whatsover and should stick to putting holes in paper.


EDIT: I will wait for the stick on this.

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No stick but remember that the pellet needs the momentum to penetrate what it hits.


I'm sure you could get a clean kill at 50 yards with 12lb, I know I could hit it depending on wind (had a ruby last night), but the further away the quarry is the less clout is behind a pellet, I'm sure some people could it a spinner at 100 yards but they may as well have walked up and spat at it.


Not directly aimed at you Cyber, just playing it safe :D

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No, I agree totally with what you are saying Jerico. at 60yards there is probably about 4-5ft/lbs of energy left in the pellet. It only takes 3ft/lbs to safely penetrate a rabbits head and kill it, so there is more than enough energy at 60 let alone 50. I wouldn't however feel confident shooting at live quarry at 60.


We actually had a llok at our pellets on the ranges last week (the ones at 60yrds, and even on the spinner targets (not a dead stop) the pellets are completely flat. This is using Air Arms Field or JSB Exacts. Both very good pellets imo.


like you have said, at 100yards there is probably VERY little energy left in the pellet!! nowhere near enough to knock a wabbit over!! but anyone attempting to shoot at that range with a sub 12/ft/lbs rifle is totally out of order and has a total lack of respect for quarry. :D

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We actually had a llok at our pellets on the ranges last week (the ones at 60yrds, and even on the spinner targets (not a dead stop) the pellets are completely flat. This is using Air Arms Field or JSB Exacts. Both very good pellets imo.

It's a discussion forum where opinions are shared and disputed so flaming is'nt even on the agenda .


I have my opinion on legal power but feel 45-50 yds is bordering on the maximum capabilities of this rifle and margin for error is virtualy none ........It's not about energy left in the pellet at a certain range .


Your pellets are flattened more due to the fact that those metallic swingers return or bounce back all the energy in the split micro second of impact before spinning absorbing very little if any energy at all ,unlike flesh and bone . :)


IMO a 12 ft lb rifle is one of the hardest rifles to use as a pest control tool ,ideal for lying in range at a set distance from a warren and internal work around out buildings but for walkabout over land shot regularly forget it ;)



35 ft lbs is ideal but again it has it's place :D

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I wasn't flaming mate, just stating that I feel comfortable taking shots at 40-50 yards. I had a pigeon last week at 41 yards in the head and it was an instant kill. 50 yards imo is a definate max for any air rifle at the legal limit. Its just a case of whether or not you feel comfortable taking the shot knowing that you will get the kill, and not just injuring the quarry which imo is horrible. I have injusred animals in the past and had to take a second shot, everyone does this and I do actually feel alot of remorse but in some cases it just happens.


Sorry if you took my post in the wrong way :D

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you dont want anything over 30 in an air rifle they are too hard to silence.i regularly kill at 60 to 70 yds with my 400 xtra,and i have bought a hw100 set at 26 so that means it wil be 24.silence is my priority.anything over 30 is just silly,buy a rimmy


why are they to hard to silence? I run one of my fac airguns at 40lbs using aa fields 16g er thats 1060 ish FPS and with the right silencer its as quiet as a standard 12lber?


after all its only hard to silence a sonic crack re hmr probs, so anything less than what is it its about 1100 odd fps is controlable,

I have sat back amazed at the get a rimmy etc comments and also the "supposed distances" a 12lber can "do the business" at, also what really gets on my wick is the you only need the minimum to kill comments, YES 4lb on the bonce in the right spot will kill but!!! a bit MORE power is no bad thing in fact the more the better it is so much more humane,


And to that end an fac airgun is a bloody good usefull tool, if I am out in the open and have no worries waht so ever about richochet my annie comes out to play if I need long distance shots my hmr comes out to play, but if I want squirell, crows, bunnies near buildings or public paces , golf courses etc plus I also sit in pheasant woods waiting for bunnies , then its the fac air every time, and with my 40lber I get 55 shots (could get more) BEFORE I recharge not FOUR as quoted


cheers KW

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i am a fac airgun nut mate but i have heard airguns that were hard to silence running at high power i normally shoot around 1000 birds a year and trust me the birds soon get the message,i was out at 6.15 this morningshot 2 birds and the rest knew the crack and this was with the 12 ft lb gun.i agree fac is nt always needed but i too like the power but 30 plus seems senseless to me,its a waste of air,as i say 70 yds no bother on a good day.i can t see the sense in an air ranger its too much bang in an air rifle.a rimmy will be half the price and i know its not everywhere you can use it.i would advise everyone to try fac in the airgun dept it opens up a new type of shooting

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Thanks for all your help here. Ive looked around and to get a 30ftlbs air rifle secound hand is far cheaper then getting a 12ftlbs air rifle. Very unfair if you bought the gun new and paid to have it tuned. The Logun S-16 can suffer from serious jamming. I had 1 bloke who bought one of mine, he managed to ram 24 pellets into the barrel, down to user error but you can NOT do that with say a HW100. The Logun factory shop is about 4 mins from me so will have to check them out.


Iam set on a Gun power stealth, does anyone know where i can get one, they seem rare.



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Thanks for all your help here. Ive looked around and to get a 30ftlbs air rifle secound hand is far cheaper then getting a 12ftlbs air rifle. Very unfair if you bought the gun new and paid to have it tuned. The Logun S-16 can suffer from serious jamming. I had 1 bloke who bought one of mine, he managed to ram 24 pellets into the barrel, down to user error but you can NOT do that with say a HW100. The Logun factory shop is about 4 mins from me so will have to check them out.


Iam set on a Gun power stealth, does anyone know where i can get one, they seem rare.



The manufacturer is in Ashford and the web address is hear:



if you order direct it will be a lot cheaper and they come with a lifetime gurantee.

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buy a daystate or air arms hw would be a good choice too.i shot a stealth thought it was terrible but i would prefer sporting rifles, timber is hard to beat.the s16 is very heavy too


I think that the S-16 looks amazing and I actually went into the gun shop to buy one. As soon as I shouldered it I thought, what the hell??!! It is so uncomfy and doesn't feel right atall with your face against the bottle. Thats when the shop showed me the Daystate X2. And I am sooooo happy they did lol!!

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I had 1 bloke who bought one of mine, he managed to ram 24 pellets into the barrel, down to user error but you can NOT do that with say a HW100.


You'd have a job doing that if you had any common sense!

8 pellets, bad enough, 16 pellets and that gets you wondering, but 24! Christ the bloke had to reload the mag to manage that :oops:

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I had 1 bloke who bought one of mine, he managed to ram 24 pellets into the barrel, down to user error but you can NOT do that with say a HW100.


You'd have a job doing that if you had any common sense!

8 pellets, bad enough, 16 pellets and that gets you wondering, but 24! Christ the bloke had to reload the mag to manage that :)




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