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Dog Fox in the afternoon


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I sat up for a while this afternoon in a high seat and after a few minutes decided a call was in order - I was on the edge of a wood, looking down three rides. After a couple of calls I hear a rustle in the leaves behind me :D. Although my natural urge was to look I had to resist, I was in a "low" high seat, leant against a small tree and it was a bit creaky even if I moved an arm slightly.


So I had to stay motionless.


He came out right below me and as I had a bit of bait out in front I was hoping he'd lock onto that and be in a great position for a shot but despite me keeping 7 sets of rabbits guts and leaving in a plastic bucket, in the sun for a few days ;) he could not smell it :D .


The wind was blowing into the wood so not to the foxes nose, but I thought their sense of smell was really good :no: .


So, he looks up and down the rides for the rabbit in distress, and decides to go straight ahead, and as he passes behind a couple of substantial oaks I can move the rifle for a shot - he does not hear me but goes behind bracken - I don't want a deflection, so decide to hold off.


He disappears over a brow :lol:


I am sure he'll pick up the smell of the guts and be on to that now, but no !


So I call again, and he reappears - a 75g ballistic tip to the chest and I see him through the scope (really pleased with the mod) drop on the spot.




He has a clean set of nashers.






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well done same thing happened to me when up a seat. calling away watching the run I know is well used then look below me and there sits charlie lookin around for his easy meal never got the shot but it was quite interesting to watch him and learned a lot from the that. :D

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Thanks for the comments guys,

looks like they have a knack for appearing below high seats (from the direction least expected).


What sort of mod is that you have there


ASE UTRA S5 (through Jackson Rifles - in the UK) - it is stainless and has a neoprene cover on it.

- I like it, only fitted a couple of months ago.




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Is the ASE quite weighty?


Hi Axe,


I'm glad you like the read, it was quite an experience.


The mod is 600 grams (a little less than a T8 I think), but none of it is over barrel, so all hanging off the end of the muzzle, like a rimmy ASE.


It does unbalance the rifle but I am getting used to that (I will always rest on a bipod, sticks, bonnet, wall, post or something) and since fitting the .243 cartridge count has gone UP :D




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Its a good job the ASE is short then Andy. You have stated you like the Mod, how does it rate efficiency wise, to others you have compared it to.


I have not had a chance to compare it to others yet, not side by side anyway, and as you know a shot next to a wood, or in a valley sounds a lot different to one in an open field, and what really counts is down range levels (100 yards +) - something I bet not many people test.


I have experience of a T8 on the same gun & calibre (.243), and the T8 MAY be a little better but without a side by side test it is difficult to tell. Having the ASE fitted has transformed the rifle, reduced recoil and no ringing ears, any real or perceived difference in performance with other cans is a fairly subjective topic, unless you have access to some specialist measuring kit. Given the choice I'd rather be hunting than testing :D


As curiosity got the better of me I did fit it to my .17hmr while zeroing recently and it was not as good at moderating that as the ASE £60 rimmy version ;). So size of your hole does matter :D




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Its a good job the ASE is short then Andy. You have stated you like the Mod, how does it rate efficiency wise, to others you have compared it to.


I have not had a chance to compare it to others yet, not side by side anyway, and as you know a shot next to a wood, or in a valley sounds a lot different to one in an open field, and what really counts is down range levels (100 yards +) - something I bet not many people test.


I have experience of a T8 on the same gun & calibre (.243), and the T8 MAY be a little better but without a side by side test it is difficult to tell. Having the ASE fitted has transformed the rifle, reduced recoil and no ringing ears, any real or perceived difference in performance with other cans is a fairly subjective topic, unless you have access to some specialist measuring kit. Given the choice I'd rather be hunting than testing :no:


As curiosity got the better of me I did fit it to my .17hmr while zeroing recently and it was not as good at moderating that as the ASE £60 rimmy version :lol:. So size of your hole does matter :D






Be careful if you try it on your .17 and then put it on your .243. Jackson rilfe's will not supply them for dual use between rimmies and full bore, because they have had some BLOW up due to un-burnt powder :D;)

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Be careful if you try it on your .17 and then put it on your .243. Jackson rilfe's will not supply them for dual use between rimmies and full bore, because they have had some BLOW up due to un-burnt powder :D;)


Yikes, :lol: thanks for that info - the one shot was enough for me just to test.


I have a dedicated rimmy ASE for use on the .17 hmr.


I'm glad the S5 was not too good at moderating the hmr, or I may have carried on using it :D


I'm really hot on safety but didn't give that a thought.




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