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Have you ever been hit by a broken clay?


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Oh man, I'm guessing (or hoping) you didn't loose the eye, right? I still notice a lot of people don't bother with the hat or the glasses, sometimes I do forget them.


I didn't lose my eye but it was very sore for a week ! I was watching 2 guys shoot a flush at the time !

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Yes, on the flurry,

Ooooh, bet that stung. I've never been hit on the 'flurry', only on the hand, but at very close range. Not only made a mess of my fingers but the fore-end of my gun also.

Sweated buckets while some nurses took it in turns to pick bits of clay out of my fingers; not pleasant.

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Yes, a fast incomer that stopped dropped 10ft out in front of you as a fist bird and a second crosser. I shot the incomer 30yards out and moved on to the next clay only to be smacked in the mouth splitting my bottom lip !

Stung like heck. No glasses or cap would of saved me there.

I aways wear glasses as I need to in order to see but I dont always wear a hat !





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Yes, a fast incomer that stopped dropped 10ft out in front of you as a fist bird and a second crosser. I shot the incomer 30yards out and moved on to the next clay only to be smacked in the mouth splitting my bottom lip !

Stung like heck. No glasses or cap would of saved me there.

I aways wear glasses as I need to in order to see but I dont always wear a hat !





Classic case of a poor course setter.Just imagine if that bit hit you just as you were about to discharge your second shot, doesn't bear thinking about.. You only got a bloody lip but you could have actually been in alot more trouble. I have seen this type of target set up at a couple of prestigeous shoots and wondered how the hell they had got past the safety officer .Nothing wrong with incomers but they should always be the report bird. .If you are at a ground and see this set up always mention it. I do. from Auntie.

Edited by 100milesaway
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Several years ago whilst trapping on a simulated day (we use a majority of manual traps) we were set up above a gully for the third dive simulating driven partridge using three traps "straight over" and two end traps throwing what were effectively "crossers" angling around 45 degrees over the line. During the shooting one of the guns managed to clip the leading edge of a clay thrown from the far end trap which boomeranged in a graceful arc, slipped neatly into the gap between my reinforced bump cap and the top edge of my safety glasses and laid my eyebrow open along its entire length, knocking me backwards off the trap at the same time.


End result was a shaved eyebrow, 5 stitches and an apologetic gun who advised "if I had known it was going to do that I would have shot it again...."

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Several years ago whilst trapping on a simulated day (we use a majority of manual traps) we were set up above a gully for the third dive simulating driven partridge using three traps "straight over" and two end traps throwing what were effectively "crossers" angling around 45 degrees over the line. During the shooting one of the guns managed to clip the leading edge of a clay thrown from the far end trap which boomeranged in a graceful arc, slipped neatly into the gap between my reinforced bump cap and the top edge of my safety glasses and laid my eyebrow open along its entire length, knocking me backwards off the trap at the same time.


End result was a shaved eyebrow, 5 stitches and an apologetic gun who advised "if I had known it was going to do that I would have shot it again...."

Oh man.

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I was looking at a broken clay that landed at my feet the other day on the skeet and it looked kind of jagged and fierce and I was wondering if any of you had been unlucky enough to get hit by a shard going at speed. They must be able to produce some nasty cuts, without safety glasses I'd imagine they could take an eye perhaps?


Yes .... cut head.

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Bits of clay hurt , but I find falling/stray shot really hurts if it catches right


Aye, very unpleasant. You have to be careful where grounds use two sides of a field at a right angle to set up the traps. People shooting at a low crossers on one side can easily end up spraying those on the other side with shot because of the low arc the pellets follow. Three times I've seen this and three times I've complained, followed by profuse apologies and closure of the offending stands, I'm pleased to say.

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a friend of mine does a bit of coaching, he has an auto trap that runs off a remote fob, he had a jam in the mechanism once, walked over to it and bent down in front of it to have a look, unfortunately the key fob was in his jeans pocket and as he bent down it activated and he got a face full of clay, aside from all the claret he new it was serious as he couldn't feel a thing, I forget how many stitches he had but there were a fair few.

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I have witnessed some quite serious injuries, including the loss of an eye from bits of clay. I therefore will not even wander around a clay ground without head and eye protection and certainly will not shoot without them. Week in and week out though, I still see people not even wearing hearing protection. I have to say the game and pigeon shooting fraternity are the worst offenders. Judging by the 3 pages of comments here, now hand on heart, how many carry their gun around a clay ground unslipped ??

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Been hit many a time when at Caerwys clay club. One reason I don't go anymore. It's only a small straw bale site and on one stand of a particular setup, you could have been hit by clay fragments off at least 1 trap of every stand. One of the chaps in charge warned about this at the beginning and said we all had to wear hats and glasses. He also said "if you do get hit, you can't sue as you are all members and will be suing yourselves" :no:

I only went once or twice last year and will not be renewing my membership.


Yes it does happen, but most grounds try and avoid it.


Stay safe.

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