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The unpredictability of winter rape


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After a few painfully slow weeks were the pigeon would not decoy or disappear after a few shots never to return as per the time of year. I decided on Saturday to go out at first light at the side of a half acre wood on a rape field that's had birds on it all week, they flight into the wood a drop down to feed. 200 plus sat in there every morning, anyway got set up wind at my back 10 decoys & rotor with 2 dead birds on a good 30 yards out. 07.20 2 straight in shot them both, then a single then an easy miss, then that was it sat till 10 never saw another pigeon. Decided to pack up and try to find another field. Found a decent size flock 0f 300 plus feeding on the rape at the side of another wood, drove down in the landie & they lifted back into the wood, decided to set up right on the point of the wood in some brambles at the side of an old rabbit fence. the rape was to the left hand side of me with old maize stubble in front. Put the rotor level with hide but out on the rape and stuck the 3 pigeons from the morning on cradles behind it, sat down looked at my watch 11 o'clock, straight away about a dozen decoyed. Shot 5 in the first 5 minutes, then it steadied up but the ones that came back decoyed perfect, picked up 27 total of 30 on the day, was well happy with the result so was the dog she got to do a bit. Shot with 32 gram steel 5's for the hawk man.


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Thanks for the replies gents, tons of rape in around here as usual, some farms drilling every second year now. Had some good results through November early December on the maize as this farm cuts for the grain not biomass, Most of the land tied up by syndicates big money paid and a closed shop, like most I'm out every chance I get but never here much shooting out of season. More damage been done on some fields by the swans, counted over 70 on a 40 acre field last week.

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Thanks for the replies gents, tons of rape in around here as usual, some farms drilling every second year now. Had some good results through November early December on the maize as this farm cuts for the grain not biomass, Most of the land tied up by syndicates big money paid and a closed shop, like most I'm out every chance I get but never here much shooting out of season. More damage been done on some fields by the swans, counted over 70 on a 40 acre field last week.


Had the same few hundred on a rape feilds opposite were I live been on there for two weeks plus , set up Saturday not a pigeon , went for a walk over the same field Sunday there they was
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