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Well suprised me!


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I went for drive about one of my farms yesterday. I pulled into some beech woods, to watch how the pigeons were behaving on the rape field next door. Whilst sitting in the truck, I spotted a pigeon, 53 yards up and away in the top of a beech. So out with the Fac Airwolf, lined up for a heart shot and let fly, The 21 grain bisley magnum driven at 36 ft/lbs hit what I thought was a perfect face on heart shot.


With the whack, the pigeon took off and flew 150 yards, admittedly helped with a tail wind, before dropping. When I got home, I did a woody autopsy to see how close the shot was. Wished I'd taken pics now. But, the pellet had punched a neat hole through the breast bone and tissue, taking out half of the heart on its way through, before exiting through the back/shoulder area.


Now the thing that puzzled me was with such massive heart damage and instant loss of blood pressure, how it was able to stay conscious and fly that distance before obviously dropping stone dead. Adrenalin I hear you say...but this is usually when the quarry is already in an alert state. This pigeon was far from alert, with a crop like a pillow full of rape!!


Just thought I'd share it :yes:

Edited by turbo33
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