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Allow North of England to join Scotland


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I would put strong money on the SNP winning a by election in the north of England if one comes up, they would certainly get my support Labour could find themselves completely decimated



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It just shows how little those in the North of England know about the SNP.


100 broken promises...



And have you heard about the 'named person' scheme we're being subjected to?

Every child (under 18) is being assigned a government appointed 'named person' who has more authority over them than their parents.





Try getting an SNP supporter to come up with one 'progressive' policy they have implemented up here. They say one

thing but do the opposite.


As the saying knows you know they are lying because their lips are moving.

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SNP is almost communist by the sound of it. I live in Leeds and there is a party called Yorkshire First who want an independent Yorkshire.


They can't tell me how it will be funded and their manifesto is so vague as to be impossible to actually tie them down to anything.

Labour tested regional assemblies in the NE and got a resounding No!.

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Keg, SNP have very socialist rhetoric, but their track record in government is actually fairly middle ground.


They follow a populist line with much of the electorate and tell them what they want to hear, which is really quite shallow.


The party though is very much a mix of left and right and the current leadership favour the left, go back 50 years and they were quite right wing.

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Despite their rhetoric that have also increased NHS and education spending _less_ over the last parliament than the evil Tories in Westminster.


Our educational standards have slipped and A&E waiting times and waiting time to see a consultant have worsened, there is a massive shortage of

consultants but because of the way they changed their contracts they can't recruit from the rest of the UK.


They promised to cut P1-P3 class sizes to 18, this was abandoned, there are now 4000 fewer teachers than when they took over in 2010.


Their obsession with wind and lack of support for conventional power has lead to a few of our big coal fired power stations closing. We were

a net exporter of power but when Longannet closes next year we can't cover our base load when the wind isn't blowing hard, ie most of the time.


FFA would see us £7.6 billion a year worse off (going by the Scottish Government's own figures).


And nobody is holding them to account.


Be careful what you wish for.

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Despite their rhetoric that have also increased NHS and education spending _less_ over the last parliament than the evil Tories in Westminster.


Our educational standards have slipped and A&E waiting times and waiting time to see a consultant have worsened, there is a massive shortage of

consultants but because of the way they changed their contracts they can't recruit from the rest of the UK.


They promised to cut P1-P3 class sizes to 18, this was abandoned, there are now 4000 fewer teachers than when they took over in 2010.


Their obsession with wind and lack of support for conventional power has lead to a few of our big coal fired power stations closing. We were

a net exporter of power but when Longannet closes next year we can't cover our base load when the wind isn't blowing hard, ie most of the time.


FFA would see us £7.6 billion a year worse off (going by the Scottish Government's own figures).


And nobody is holding them to account.


Be careful what you wish for.

It's going to get worse too because Longannet was flogged to Spanish firm Iberdrola when they bought Scottish Power in 2007.

Spanish firm CLH has bought the Government oil - fuel pipeline which runs through Scotland.

The government has been running it down for years so it wouldn't surprise me if the Spanish company close that too and flog off the infrastructure for scrap.


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Its interesting that the SNP seem, at the moment to be able to blame their own failures on Westminster. The real problem in Scotland as I see it is not so much the SNP but the growing army of idiots who take the arguments much further and often into the bizarre world of conspiracy theories


websites like wings over scotland pump out all this drivel and people believe it, more and more people are believing it

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Its interesting that the SNP seem, at the moment to be able to blame their own failures on Westminster. The real problem in Scotland as I see it is not so much the SNP but the growing army of idiots who take the arguments much further and often into the bizarre world of conspiracy theories


websites like wings over scotland pump out all this drivel and people believe it, more and more people are believing it


And as I said nobody is holding them to account.


Salmond has lied through his teeth to the electorate several times....








If it was anyone else they'd be strung up, but because it's Salmond/ the SNP.....



It's like an unthinking zombie apocalyse where they'll believe anything the SNP tell them.


[Edit]I forgot to say that the guy who runs 'Wings over Scotland' loves the place so much he lives in Bath. [/Edit]

Edited by Nial
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It really i scary just how powerful the SNP are now up here and how little they are held to account.


1 thing i would say is i see great similarities between the SNP supporters and UKIP supporters, they both seem to be very passionate about there cause and very quick to turn on anyone with a different opinion.


Throughout the referendum debate some of the online stuff from SNP supporters was really nasty to folk who came out as NO voters, often see similar comments on threads on here when anyone dares to critise UKIP.


Really dreading wot will happen next year at the Holyrood elections, field sports could be in for a hard 5 years

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Guest stevo

I wonder if its time for england to go independent

I'm a bricklaying contractor. And myself and my men would gladly start the foundations to rebuild hadrians wall...
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I would put strong money on the SNP winning a by election in the north of England if one comes up, they would certainly get my support Labour could find themselves completely decimated




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I live just south of the border with Scotland in Cumbria and believe me no one here wants to be tied to the snp.most people here are of the opinion that if the Scots want to go it alone we should let them . But if it all goes wrong tough titty.



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I've just read that Sir Digby Jones (CBI top dog) says Tories should give Ginger Midget full fiscal autonomy and let her bankrupt Scotland. This was mooted during Scots Referendum debates - can't recall who but article today in the Press reminded me. Scotland is a bit of a basket case (very high unemployment, obesity, poor health, alcoholism etc with 75% living in social housing) hence why Barnett formula gives them £2-300 per person more than English councils get. She (GM) may be a good talker but has she thought it through if Scots have to collect taxes etc and pay the bills. The article in the Express also detailed some of the 'cracks' in SNP's strategy. Watch this space!

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